On this page

Use this page to understand: 

  • if you need a permit for your campaign  
  • which campaign activities are considered non-compliant 
  • how you can report non-compliant campaign activity to Council. 

If you want to place banners, posters, signs and stickers around the City of Boroondara to promote someone or something, you must follow the rules laid down in our Amenity Local Law and the Boroondara Planning Scheme.

The Amenity Local Law and the Boroondara Planning Scheme cover promotional activities, including state, federal and local government election campaigns and referendums. 

The City of Boroondara supports campaign activities in line with freedom of expression, fair access and public safety and amenity.

Do I need a permit?

Promotional activities for elections or referendums might be: 

  • allowed without a permit 
  • allowed with a permit 
  • not allowed.

This will depend on the type of activity and the location, including whether it is on private or council-owned land. 

Election or referendum promotion at a specific location, such as an early voting centre, may require additional restrictions based on space available to ensure public access and amenity (such as limiting the number of A-frames).

Activities allowed without a permit

ActivityExampleCouncil requirements
Pamphlet or flyer distribution

Dropping election or referendum materials in residents' letterboxes

Handing out election or referendum materials on a footpath

  • Please consider your impact on the environment and avoid littering.  
  • Do not litter should be printed on the flyer in at least size 10 font.
  • Must be for non-commercial purposes.
Door knockingDoor knocking to promote a candidate or outcome
  • No requirements.
  • Must be for non-commercial purposes.
Signs and banners displayed on vehicle and/or trailer when they are in transit or are parked on a roadTrailer parked in a car space on a road
  • Must be parked legally.
  • Vehicle and trailer must not be longer than 7.5 meters in total.
  • Signs must not be displayed more than 3 months before a polling day or referendum date.
  • Signs must be removed no later than 14 days after a polling day or referendum date.
  • Signs must be no larger than 5m2. 
  • No internally illuminated or animated signs.
Signs and banners displayed on parked vehicles and trailers on private land A trailer with a billboard or A-frame sign
  • You need permission from landowner. 
  • Signs must not be displayed longer than 14 days after the election or 3 months, whichever is sooner
  • Signs must be no larger than 5m2. 
  • One sign per property. 
  • No internally illuminated or animated signs.
  • For signage outside of the rules above, contact the Planning Team on (03) 9278 4888 or email [email protected].
Signs and banners displayed on private land or private structures 

A real estate sign displayed on a fence. 

Large scale posters attached to shopfront windows.

  • You need permission from landowner. 
  • Signs must not be displayed longer than 14 days after the election or 3 months, whichever is sooner
  • Signs must be no larger than 5m2. 
  • One sign per property. 
  • No internally illuminated or animated signs.
  • For signage outside of the rules above, including campaigning offices, contact the Planning Team on (03) 9278 4888 or email [email protected].

Activities allowed with a permit

ActivityExampleCouncil requirements
Free-standing signs or banners displayed on Council-controlled landPicket signs, A-frames, banners or teardrop signs on a footpath
  • Signs cannot be unattended.
  • Permits will only be issued for footpath locations.
Promotional stalls set up on footpathsTable and chairs set up on a footpath
  • Permits will list agreed times and locations for stalls to be operated. 
  • Permits will only be issued for footpath locations. 
  • If the promotional stall is being set up in front of a business, written permission from the business owner is required as part of your application. Please submit a copy of the written permission from the business to [email protected] after you have submitted your permit application.

Activities not allowed

Signs or banners on a vehicle, bicycle or trailer parked on Council-controlled landAdvertising on a vehicle or trailer in a park, garden, reserve, nature strip or road related area like emergency stop lane. 
Signs and banners on Council-controlled structures and assetsBill postings on Council-owned buildings, Council-owned fences, public rubbish bins, residential rubbish bins, power poles and utilities.
Promotional stalls on Council-controlled land
  • Promotional stalls in parks, gardens and reserves. 
  • Does not include promotional stalls on footpaths.

Apply for a permit

If you need a permit for your promotional activities on Council-controlled land, you need to complete our Occupy Council-controlled land form.

Apply for a permit

If you don’t comply with requirements 

If you don’t follow the requirements above: 

  • you might be fined
  • your vehicle/trailer may be towed or impounded
  • your signs may be impounded.

For more information on offences, penalties and infringement notices, read our Amenity Local Laws in the Downloads section on this page. 

How to report non-compliant activities 

If you have noticed a promotional activity that is not allowed, you can report it online.

Report non-compliant activities

More information 

For more information on promotional activities, you can email [email protected] or call us on (03) 9278 4444.

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