Some of our services are closed or have different hours for the public holiday on Monday 27 January.

Resident's Specific Vehicle Permit conditions

The Resident's Specific Vehicle Permit is issued subject to the following conditions:

  1. This permit is issued only to the permit holder (person responsible for permit) for the motor vehicle with the registration number specified on the permit label. The permit is not transferable to or able to be used by any other person. The permit is not transferable to or able to be used for any other motor vehicle.
  2. The permit is only valid for parking in the street location specified on the permit label and the nearest intersecting street to the permit holder’s residential property. (On the permit label, the street location appears as a code number for privacy reasons.) The permit cannot be used in designated shopping areas or off street car parks.
  3. In accordance with condition 2 of this permit, the permit:
    • enables parking for unlimited time periods in the designated permit zone and
    • provides an exemption from compliance with time restricted parking zones of one hour or greater.
  4. The permit is not valid to be used by a heavy or long vehicle, as defined in Road Rule 200 of the Road Safety Road Rules 2017, or a caravan, boat, motor home, trailer, motorbike, bus or any earthmoving vehicle or equipment.
  5. The permit does not guarantee the availability of any parking space to the permit holder.
  6. If the permit holder ceases to reside at the property to which this permit relates or disposes of the vehicle that the permit is attached to, the permit label must be removed from the vehicle’s windscreen before such cessation or disposal. Council must be advised of either event within seven days of doing so.
  7. The permit label must be displayed in accordance with the instructions provided, so as to be clearly and readily visible from the outside of the vehicle.
  8. The permit may be revoked where it has been found to be used contrary to the conditions specified.
  9. In accordance with legislation, the use of parking spaces in streets to which parking permits apply may be suspended by members of the Victoria Police or by authorised Council Officers.
  10. The permit expires if:
    • the motor vehicle registration specified on the permit label ceases to be registered to the permit holder or in the case of a company vehicle when the registration ceases to be registered to the company; or
    • the permit holder ceases to reside at the property to which the permit relates.

Visitor's Parking Permit conditions

The Visitor's Parking Permit is issued subject to the following conditions:

  1. The Permit is only valid for parking in the street location specified on the permit label and the nearest intersecting street to the permit holder's residential property. The permit cannot be used in designated shopping areas or off street car parks.

  2. In accordance with condition (1) of this permit, the permit enables parking for unlimited time periods in the designated permit zone, and provides an exemption from compliance with time restricted parking zones of one hour or greater.

  3. The permit must not be used for or displayed by a heavy or long vehicle as defined in Rule 200 of the Road Safety Road Rules 2017, or a caravan, boat, motor home, trailer, motorbike, bus or any earthmoving vehicle or equipment.

  4. The permit does not guarantee the availability of any parking space to the permit user.

  5. If the permit holder ceases to reside at the property to which this permit relates the permit holder must advise Council within seven days of the change and return the permit to Council.

  6. If a permit holder believes that a permit has been lost or stolen, the permit holder must notify Council of the loss or theft within seven days of forming the belief.

  7. The permit expires if the permit holder:

    • Ceases to reside at the property to which the permit relates; or

    • Notifies Council that the permit has been lost or stolen.

  8. The permit must be retained by the permit holder at all times whilst not in use.

  9. The permit must be displayed in accordance with the instructions provided, so as to be clearly and readily visible from the outside of the vehicle to an authorised Council Officer.

  10. The permit must not be photocopied or reproduced. Photocopied or reproduced copies of the permit are invalid.

  11. In accordance with legislation, the use of parking spaces in streets to which parking permits apply may be suspended by members of the Victoria Police or by authorised Council Officers.

  12. The permit is issued only to the person specified on the permit (the permit holder) and is not transferable to any other person.

  13. The permit must not be used by any person other than a resident of the property or a visitor to the residence of the permit holder for the duration of their visit.

  14. The permit may be revoked where it has found to be used contrary to the conditions specified. There is a requirement for the permit to be returned to Council if this occurs.

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