Some of our services are closed or have different hours over the Christmas and New Year period.

From 1 December 2020, 44 roads within the City of Boroondara will be impacted by new Department of Transport regulations turning clearways into tow-away zones.

If you park your vehicle on a main road, check the nearby signage to make sure it is safe to do so and avoid having your vehicle towed. 

The new regulations are part of a VicRoads initiative to change clearways within 20km of Melbourne’s CBD into tow-away zones to ensure traffic moves freely during peak times.

Check the map of impacted roads on the VicRoads website. Make sure you check signage for specific clearway times, as they may have changed since you last parked at the location.

Parking fines

As of 1 July 2021, there are financial penalties for parking in clearways.

These include:

  • $192 fine for parking in a clearway
  • $361 vehicle release fee if the vehicle is towed (paid to the Department of Transport).

Both the City of Boroondara and the Department of Transport may issue parking fines for vehicles parked in clearways. Check your notice to find out how to pay your fine, or contact us for support.

Pay a parking fine

Vehicles parked in clearway zones may be towed. The Department of Transport manages all towing of vehicles.

More information

For more information on clearways, tow-away zones, how to collect a towed vehicle, fines and fees, visit the Tow away zones page on the Vicroads website.

To find out more about the regulations, contact VicRoads by emailing [email protected] or call 13 11 70.

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