Some of our services are closed or have different hours for the public holiday on Monday 10 March.

Phase 1 community consultation

The aim of Phase 1 was to get a better understanding of our community’s sustainable behaviours and ambitions, and identify priority areas to be included in the Climate Action Plan.

During Phase 1, we heard from more than 1,500 community members who shared their feedback online, over the phone and in writing. One-third of these community members were randomly selected.

The results presented below represent the combined feedback from the randomly selected and voluntary submissions received. The detailed research report is available for download.

What we heard

Support for a Climate Action Plan

Firstly, we wanted to know if our community was supportive of the development of a Climate Action Plan. Ninety per cent confirmed they either supported or strongly supported the development of this plan, with only 5% opposing.

Equal importance across all areas of sustainability

When asked to rate the importance of different aspects of environmental sustainability, most community members felt all areas were of equal importance.

  • Energy efficiency and renewable energy - 89% said very/fairly important
  • Sustainable water use and healthy waterways - 89% said very/fairly important
  • Waste management and recycling - 83% said very/fairly important
  • Sustainable community transport - 75% said very/fairly important
  • Protecting and enhancing biodiversity -  80% said very/fairly important.

What our community is already doing and would like to do more of

We learnt that a high percentage are already:

  • avoiding or reducing their use of single-use plastics - 91%t with 44% wanting to do more
  • buying local locally produced or more sustainable items - 82% with 55% wanting to do more
  • making their home more energy efficient or using less energy - 76% with 60% wanting to do more
  • using a home compost bin, worm farm, or a Council provided FOGO (Food Organics and Garden Organics) bin - 82% with 28% wanting to do more.

Other common themes

We also heard ideas and suggestions about: 

  • Sustainable building and planning
  • Community education 
  • Electric vehicles 
  • Bikes and bike lanes 
  • Increasing protection of green space.

More information

For more information, contact us on 9278 4444.


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