Some of our services are closed or have different hours for the public holiday on Monday 27 January.

You need to apply for a permit for filming and commercial photography activity on Council-controlled land (park, footpath, nature strip, public car park or road). If you don't have a permit, penalties may apply.

You don't need a Filming Permit if you're using a hand-held camera.

We strongly recommend that you read the Victorian Film Friendly Guidelines for more information about filming in Victoria, which are available on the Vicscreen website.

How to apply

You need to submit your application for a filming permit at least 10 business days before you intend to film.

If your request involves more than one Council department or a non-Council authority, your application may require additional time to process. If you’re unsure and would like advice before lodging your application, please call our customer service team on (03) 9278 4444.

Apply for a Filming Permit


Filming Permit – full day$1,190 per application
Filming Permit – half day$496 per application
Filming Permit – low impact/less than an hour$132.50 per application
Standard Local Law Application Fee$128
Parking Permit – residential areas (for normal commuter vehicles)$36.50 per car parking bay, per day
Parking Permit – commercial areas$103 per car parking bay, per day
Amendment of Local Laws Permit50% of the fee paid for your application
Loss of revenue for paid parkingRefer to parking fees on our Find a car park page

There is no fee for student filming as long as the production is kept simple (for example, no props, no dollies on Council land) and the number of students on site does not exceed 8.

Include with your application

Depending on the type of application you are submitting, there are certain documents you need to provide.

Commercial filming

  • Certificate of Currency for public liability insurance (minimum $20 million)
  • ABN of your organisation
  • Copy of the drop-off letter to residents and businesses*
  • Traffic Management Plan
  • A site plan, including the location where you intend to film.

Student filming

  • Your school, university or program's Certificate of Currency for public liability insurance (minimum cover of $20 million), unless your request is for commercial stills photography (minimum $5 million)
  • A letter from your school, university or program stating that you are a current student and filming for assessment purposes only
  • A copy of the drop-off letter to residents and businesses
  • If filming near a commercial or residential premises, permission from the property owner in writing
  • Traffic Management Plan
  • A site plan, including the location where you intend to film.

A maximum number of 8 students are permitted on site.

The letter you intend to send to residents and businesses has to be approved by our Civic Services team to include a specific clause and must be distributed to businesses at least 15 days before filming commences.

We'll contact you if we need more information. We'll assess your application and email your permit if it is successful.

For more information, contact us by emailing [email protected] or calling us on (03) 9278 4444.

Guidelines and conditions

  1. You must comply with direction by members of the Victoria Police or an authorised officer of Council at all times.
  2. No nuisance shall be committed.
  3. The permit:
    • is valid for the date/s and times as listed on the permit
    • is not transferable
    • may be cancelled by Council at any time and for any reason (no refund of fees).
  4. All activities must comply with the City of Boroondara's local laws, the Environment Protection Authority's noise control guidelines, the Victorian Government, and the laws or regulations of any other authority that have jurisdiction over the proposed activities.
  5. Applicants for motion picture photography must take out public liability insurance indemnifying Council for a minimum of $20 million. For commercial stills photography, public liability must be taken out for a minimum of $5 million. A Certificate of Currency must be attached to each application.
  6. Residents and traders in the immediate vicinity must be canvassed in writing by applicants 7 days before an application is submitted to ensure there are no objections to filming taking place. The letter must direct residents and traders to contact Council to advise of any concerns.
  7. The applicant will pay all costs associated with clearing litter and other waste, and shall repair damage to Council assets caused by the filming and associated activities.
  8. We require 7 days' notice to assess parking spaces. Maps must be supplied indicating the location and number of parking bays required. Parking cannot be guaranteed in busy areas unless neighbouring residents and traders receive adequate notice and are not inconvenienced.
  9. Council will not approve activities which may cause damage to any reserve. Approval for the use of a reserve must be obtained from Council's Parks and Gardens Department. A deposit of up to $2,000 is required. Irrigation clearances are required for tents, marquees and other temporary structures.
  10. The Environmental Protection Act (EPA) prohibits noise in residential areas, or next to residential areas, between 10 pm and 7 am Monday to Friday, and 10 pm to 9 am on Saturday mornings. Filming is not permitted on weekends between 10 pm Saturday and throughout Sunday to 7 am Monday, unless otherwise expressly approved by Council.
  11. A Council representative is entitled to attend the shoot.
  12. The applicants must notify the Victoria Police Film and Television Office of their activities, including any intended road closures, stunts or use of firearms or weapons.

A copy of this permit must be carried at all times during filming. Non-compliance with the provision of the permit may result in the permit being cancelled and further enforcement action.

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