Strategic objective: People with disability have opportunities to participate in decision-making that affects their lives.
What we will do
- Identify a pilot project to co-design with people with disability and organisations to inform Council’s approach to co-designing projects.
- In collaboration or consultation with people with disability and community partners, advocate to the Victorian and Australian governments and peak bodies to address social, equity, health and wellbeing issues that impact people with disability (for example, the NDIS, mental health, social isolation, people sleeping rough, family violence, built environment and public transport).
- Develop a detailed evaluation plan to measure the success of the actions in the Boroondara Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2024–28 with input and advice from the Boroondara Community Disability Advisory Committee.
What we want to achieve
- People with disability inform the development and delivery of a Council project.
- Improved social, economic, health and wellbeing outcomes for people with disability.
- People with disability inform the evaluation of the Boroondara Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2024–28.