Some of our services are closed or have different hours for the public holiday on Monday 27 January.

Theme 4: Employment and volunteer opportunities

Strategic objective: There are employment and volunteer opportunities for people with disability in Boroondara.

What we will do

  • Build knowledge and skills within Council to be a more accessible and inclusive workplace for people with disability. 
  • Promote the benefits of being accessible and inclusive for people with disability to volunteer organisations.
  • Facilitate the delivery of a disability-inclusive employment pilot program with relevant partners, which places local people with disability into meaningful employment with local businesses.   
  • Review Council’s procurement policy to identify ways to enhance social procurement opportunities. 

What we want to achieve

  • Council is a more accessible and inclusive workplace. 
  • People with disability engaged in volunteer opportunities. 
  • People with disability engaged in ongoing meaningful employment by local businesses in Boroondara.
  • Employment and volunteer opportunities for people with disability. 
A person working at a cafe