Some of our services are closed or have different hours for the public holiday on Monday 27 January.

Operations and our performance

Economic factors

We are facing external factors which are increasing cost pressures on our services and facilities, while also facing the need to maintain assets appropriately. External economic factors include:

  • inflation rising rapidly
  • cost escalation in the construction industry
  • the slow return by patrons to our leisure and aquatic facilities after the forced closure of these facilities during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • the reduction of the traditional backyard across areas of the municipality increasing the demand by residents on our open space, parks, and sporting facilities.

The 2022-23 Budget is largely based on a recovery of normal activity levels post the COVID-19 pandemic. Our strong financial management resulting in a positive year-end result is critical in enabling us to address the ongoing requirement for asset renewal to ensure our facilities meet community needs and are fit for purpose.

Higher interest rates will support increased investment income returns for our cash holdings, while our fixed interest rate loans provide repayment certainty for the future term of the loans.

In summary, we are facing external factors which are increasing cost pressures on our services and facilities while facing the need to maintain assets appropriately. Our capacity to meet these obligations is challenged by the State Government imposed cap on revenue; a cap the state does not apply to itself.

Major projects

Our major projects for FY2022-23 included:

  • Kew Recreation Centre redevelopment ($73.1 million over 4 years)
  • Canterbury Community Precinct ($3.7 million in FY2022-23)
  • Tuck Stand ($484.5k in FY2022-23)
  • Kew Library Redevelopment ($164.2k in FY2022-23).

Our performance against priority themes

The Boroondara Community Plan 2021–31 (the Plan) outlines 7 themes our community told us were important in 2017. In 2020-21, our community told us these themes still represent what they want us to focus on over the next 10 years.

Our performance for FY2022-23 is reported against each of the 7 priority themes on the following pages.