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A Domestic Animal Business Permit is required from Council if you wish to conduct a business such as a:

  • pet shop
  • pet boarding establishment for cats or dogs
  • breeding and rearing establishment for cats or dogs
  • dog training establishment
  • animal shelter.
Small dog in a local park

These businesses must comply with the requirements of the relevant State Government Code of Practice that sets out guidelines on how these businesses must operate.

Annual inspections

Our Animal Management Officers annually inspect all Domestic Animal Businesses to ensure compliance with the Code of Practice.

Visit Agriculture Victoria for further information.

How to apply for a Domestic Animal Business Permit

The Domestic Animal Business Permit must be applied for, and renewed, by 10 April each year.

To apply, please complete the application form. You will receive a response from us within 10 business days.


Applications can be submitted and paid for in person or by post.

Purpose of the Permit

Under the Domestic Animals Act 1994, it is a requirement that all Domestic Animal Businesses are registered with Council.

The permit approves the enterprise to conduct a business selling, buying, rearing, training or boarding animals. The permit specifies certain conditions which include:

  • type of animals permitted
  • number of animals permitted
  • physical arrangements/cages required
  • other conditions considered reasonable in the circumstances.

Failure to maintain full compliance with the conditions of the permit could lead to withdrawal or cancellation of the existing Domestic Animal Business Permit or to non-issuance of a future permit.

More information

If you have any enquiries regarding this application process, contact Local Laws on (03) 9278 4444.

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