Some of our services are closed or have different hours for the public holiday on Monday 27 January.

These steps outline the process we will take together with our community for each placemaking project.

  1. Understanding: We will undertake background research and analysis to develop a comprehensive understanding about a particular place.
  2. Imagining: We will engage with our community to learn about what they think makes a place unique, what improvements could be made and how it may evolve in the future. 
  3. Prioritising: We will work with our community to prioritise their ideas - what is at the top of their list and what could be implemented in time. These ideas will be solidified into a shared vision for a place.
  4. Planning: This shared vision will form part of a Place Plan that will identify key areas and actions for improvement, whether they are big or small, long term or short term. We will consult with our community to ensure we have captured their specific needs and aspirations in the Place Plan prior to its adoption.
  5. Transforming: Working with our community and key partners, we will begin the process of bringing the vision for a local place to life. This process could involve upgrading infrastructure or implementing activations such as events, installations and programs.

Benefits of placemaking

There are many proven benefits of placemaking, with successful projects having taken place locally and all around the world.

Placemaking can:

  • create empowered and engaged communities
  • stimulate economic growth
  • enhance social interaction
  • improve environmental sustainability.

The Boroondara Community Plan 2017-27 sets out the 10-year vision for our future based on the values, aspirations and priorities our community told us were important to them.

Placemaking will play an important role in delivering the overall vision and key strategic objectives of the Boroondara Community Plan by improving our public spaces in line with its main themes.