Can you spot a superb fairy wren to help their conservation?

From Sunday 24 to Saturday 30 November, you can support the population growth of superb fairy wrens and other small bush birds in your city.

You can help reverse the declining populations of superb fairy wrens and other small bush birds in your city.

To participate, download the iNaturalist app and take photos of any superb fairy wrens you spot. 

Find out how to use the iNaturalist app and register for a free webinar on 27 November at the Superb City Wrens website.

We need to build our baseline data so we can monitor the superb fairy wren populations across Melbourne. Your records will help us locate and support conservation of these beautiful little birds.

You can conduct 15-minute wren watches in:

  • your garden
  • local parks
  • one of the priority areas for City of Boroondara.

Places to look in Boroondara:

  • Willsmere Park and Billabong
  • Burke Road Billabong
  • Along Gardiners Creek near Dorothy Laver Reserve.

We’re interested in sightings of any small native birds, which can be added to iNaturalist by searching for the 'Super City Wrens' project in the app’s search bar. If you don’t sight any small native birds during your wren watch, please record this as an 'absence' in iNaturalist.

More information

Contact our Biodiversity team on (03) 9278 4444 or email [email protected] for more information.