Some of our services are closed or have different hours for the public holiday on Monday 27 January.

How the Budget supports our Community Plan

In this section, we list the 7 themes of the Boroondara Community Plan and the services that fall under each of these themes. We detail the amount that each service costs, the amount we will make in revenue and the total net cost of that service. 

Theme 1 – Community, Services and Facilities

Arts and Culture

Expenditure: $3,503,000

Revenue: $273,000 

Net cost: $3,230,000

Asset Management

Expenditure: $3,413,000

Revenue: $0

Net cost: $3,413,000

Capital Projects

Expenditure: $2,876,000

Revenue: $16,000

Net cost: $2,860,000

Civic Services

Expenditure: $7,296,000

Revenue: $5,328,000

Net cost: $1,968,000

Community Planning and Development

Expenditure: $4,171,000

Revenue: $135,000

Net cost: $4,036,000

Health and Wellbeing

Expenditure: $9,118,000

Revenue: $7,318,000

Net cost: $1,800,000

Infrastructure Maintenance

Expenditure: $11,633,000

Revenue: $127,000

Net cost: $11,506,000

Liveable Communities

Expenditure: $8,269,000

Revenue: $5,671,000

Net cost: $2,598,000

Library Services

Expenditure: $9,794,000

Revenue: $1,247,000

Net cost: $8,547,000

Highlight project

Canterbury Community Precinct

We are restoring and developing the existing buildings in Canterbury Gardens. We expect construction to finish and the new community precinct to be open by early 2023. 

This development includes heritage restoration works across the former Maternal and Child Health Centre, Canterbury Public Library and Bowls Club. This will connect to a new purpose-built facility and create a space to support health, wellbeing and early education needs. It will also give service providers a long-term home and help build strong community connections.

To find out more about these services and this highlight project, you can read Theme 1: Community, Services and Facilities in our Boroondara Community Plan

Theme 2 – Parks and Green Spaces

Infrastructure Maintenance

Expenditure: $826,000

Revenue: $0

Net cost: $826,000

Landscape and design

Expenditure: $458,000

Revenue: $0

Net cost: $458,000

Open Space

Expenditure: $16,422,000

Revenue: $856,000

Net cost: $15,566,000


Highlight project

Tree Strategy Action Plan

We are proposing to implement our Tree Strategy Action Plan. This will fund the planting of 1,000 extra trees in addition to the 1,000 to 1,500 trees we’ve already committed to planting each year since we adopted the action plan in 2017.

To find out more about these services and this highlight project, you can read Theme 2 – Parks and Green Spaces in our Boroondara Community Plan

Theme 3 – The Environment

Environmental Sustainability

Expenditure: $1,593,000

Revenue: $0

Net cost: $1,593,000

Drainage and Asset Management

Expenditure: $628,000

Revenue: $80,000

Net cost: $548,000

Open Space

Expenditure: $1,589,000

Revenue: $0

Net cost: $1,589,000

Strategic and Statutory Planning

Expenditure: $621,000

Revenue: $355,000

Net cost: $266,000

Waste and Recycling

Expenditure: $25,191,000

Revenue: $1,436,000

Net cost: $23,755,000

Highlight project

Climate Action Plan

We will continue to prioritise funding towards the delivery of our Climate Action Plan. In 2022–23, we plan to deliver:

  • an Urban Greening Strategy for Boroondara
  • a program of advice and support for sustainable living, including a new focus on sustainable residential renovations
  • measures to continue reducing greenhouse gas emissions from Council buildings, including buying 100% renewable electricity for Council buildings and public lighting.

To find out more about these services and this highlight project, you can read Theme 3 – The Environment, in our Boroondara Community Plan

Theme 4 – Neighbourhood Character and Heritage

Asset Protection

Expenditure: $915,000

Revenue: $2,432,000

Net cost: –$1,517,000

Building Services

Expenditure: $2,573,000

Revenue: $1,987,000

Net cost: $586,000

Strategic and Statutory Planning

Expenditure: $8,231,000

Revenue: $2,741,000

Net cost: $5,490,000


Highlight project

Boroondara Housing Strategy

We are planning to review and update our Boroondara Housing Strategy. This will help us understand:

  • the best ways to meet our community’s housing needs over the next 15 years
  • how to protect Boroondara’s heritage and character 
  • issues around diversity, affordability, equity and sustainability.

To find out more about these services and this highlight project, you can read Theme 4 – Neighbourhood Character and Heritage, you can read our Boroondara Community Plan

Theme 5 – Moving Around

Civic Services

Expenditure: $4,179,000

Revenue: $11,542,000

Net cost: –$7,363,000

Road Maintenance and Repair

Expenditure: $1,344,000

Revenue: $90,000

Net cost: $1,254,000

Traffic and Transport

Expenditure: $1,580,000

Revenue: $0

Net cost: $1,580,000


Highlight project

Shared path and park lighting upgrades

We will explore lighting solutions, including the use of solar and energy efficient LED lighting, for the Gardiners Creek Trail underpass at Toorak Road and along the Anniversary Trail between Whitehorse Road and Canterbury Road.

To find out more about these services and this highlight project, you can read Theme 5: Moving Around in our Boroondara Community Plan

Theme 6 – Local Economy

Local Economies

Expenditure: $3,344,000

Revenue: $1,419,000

Net cost: $1,925,000

Minor shopping centre upgrade and maintenance

Expenditure: $331,000

Revenue: $0

Net cost: $331,000



Highlight project

Maling Road Placemaking

In 2020, we shared the community’s vision for the future of Maling Road in Canterbury. We have made significant progress to upgrade the laneway connecting Canterbury Station to the shopping strip. We are also planning to fund smaller arts and culture events and experiences in the shopping strip.

To find out more about these services and this highlight project, you can read Theme 6 – Local Economy, you can read our Boroondara Community Plan

Theme 7 – Governance and Leadership

Chief Financial Office

Expenditure: $6,914,000

Revenue: $3,206,000

Net cost: $3,708,000

Council Operations

Expenditure: $381,000

Revenue: $0

Net cost: $381,000

Councillors, Chief Executive Officer, Executive Management and support staff

Expenditure: $2,885,000

Revenue: $0

Net cost: $2,885,000

Customer Support and Corporate Information

Expenditure: $7,336,000

Revenue: $0

Net cost: $7,336,000


Expenditure: $1,978,000

Revenue: $0

Net cost: $1,978,000

Governance and Legal

Expenditure: $5,779,000

Revenue: $52,000

Net cost: $5,727,000

Information Technology

Expenditure: $11,020,000

Revenue: $0

Net cost: $11,020,000

People, Culture and Development

Expenditure: $3,752,000

Revenue: $0

Net cost: $3,752,000

Strategic Communications

Expenditure: $4,197,000

Revenue: $0

Net cost: $4,197,000

Strategy and Performance

Expenditure: $1,730,000

Revenue: $0

Net cost: $1,730,000



Highlight project

Transforming Boroondara

We are transforming Boroondara to improve customer experiences and service delivery across Council, making it easier for customers to get the information and services they need in a way that’s convenient for them. To help achieve this, we are prioritising funding to better support processes and technology to modernise our core business systems, which will enable a more responsive and efficient service.

To find out more about these services and this highlight project, you can read Theme 7 – Governance and Leadership, you can read our Boroondara Community Plan