Some of our services are closed or have different hours for the public holiday on Monday 10 March.

Theme 5: Moving around

In Boroondara, we appreciate having a variety of public, private and active transport options to get around. We value initiatives that help reduce traffic congestion and provide safe, connected routes for cycling and walking, including well-maintained footpaths. These measures make life easier, save time​ and help the environment. They improve our quality of life at every stage. Our strategic objective is to ensure that travel options are safe, efficient​ and accessible, with a focus on encouraging active and public transport.

Major achievement

Through major initiative 5.3, we have made our integrated bicycle network better by progressively implementing a range of on-road infrastructure initiatives.

Integrated bicycle network project

We upgraded the existing on-road bike lanes and installed safer intersection treatments along Willsmere Road and Kilby Road (between Earl Street and Burke Road) in Kew and Kew East.

The project has made roads safer by making it harder for cars and bicycle riders to get into each other’s way. Different traffic treatments are used for each section. These include green-painted bicycle lanes, edge line markings, extended ‘No Stopping’ zones, low-profile concrete kerbs, and double chevrons. We continue to gather feedback from bicycle user groups and stakeholders, with similar improvements proposed at other locations in Boroondara (pending budget approval).

Highlights of the year

  • Replaced the northern land bridge section of the Walmer Street Bridge, which opened on 21 December 2023. 
  • Energy-efficient lighting was put in along the Anniversary Trail between Whitehorse Road and Mont Albert Road. This will make it easier to use and safer for people who use it.