Some of our services are closed or have different hours for the public holiday on Monday 10 March.

Theme 3: The environment

In our community, we're passionate about being leaders in environmental sustainability and preparing for the impacts of climate change. We’re eager to embrace new recycling and waste management practices to honour our commitment to the environment. Protecting our natural surroundings is a top priority, to ensure they stay healthy and resilient for generations to come. Our strategic objective is to keep the environment at the centre of every decision we make.

Major achievement

Through major initiative 3.2, we have actioned the 2023-24 targets of the Climate Action Plan Implementation Plan to reduce Council and community emissions.

Climate Action Plan Implementation Plan

We’ve made significant progress towards our Climate Action Plan targets of 61 actions in the 2023-24 Implementation Plan. Our aims include:

  • achieving carbon neutrality for the Council
  • reducing community emissions
  • supporting the liveability of our City
  • informing and encouraging residents to take action.

We completed 55 actions and started on the remaining 6, with key achievements including:

  • installing the first Council-owned EV (electric vehicle) charging stations
  • purchasing 100% renewable energy for all Council-owned facilities and lighting
  • hosting 79 community sustainability events
  • planting over 2,000 trees
  • installing solar panels on 22 Council-owned community buildings.

Highlights for the year

  • In September 2023, Council adopted the second Climate Action Plan implementation plan.
  • The Heavy Leaf program successfully collected and recycled approximately 1,400 tonnes of autumn leaves.
  • The introduction of the Bin Maintenance Application has provided multiple community benefits, including time savings for staff and faster response times for residents, while also supporting environmental sustainability through paperless operations.
  • In May 2024, Council approved the Boroondara Tree Protection Local Law, enhancing the protection of the area’s tree canopy and introducing stricter penalties for violations.
  • The launch of a new fortnightly e-newsletter, the ‘Fortnightly Feed’, aims to keep the community informed about local news and events.