Hearing from you about your experience with the City of Boroondara is important to us. It will help us continually learn and improve our services.

One way of doing this is to know when our customers have feedback or a complaint about a recent experience and understand:

  • what it is
  • why it happened
  • how we can address the issue and improve future experiences for all customers.

If you have experienced an issue with our services, please let us know. 

Your complaint will be referred to the most appropriate person. They will contact you and keep you updated on the progress of a response to your complaint along the way. 

Note: If your complaint is related to appealing a planning, local laws, parking fine, building or health services decision or process, you need to use the specific review procedures for these areas.

How to make a complaint

To make a complaint, you can:

Make a complaint online

We have the following services in place to help people with specific needs to make a complaint:

  • National Relay Service (NRS) and Teletypewriter (TTY) users can phone the NRS on 13 36 77 and ask for 03 9278 4444.
  • Speak & Listen (speech-to-speech) users can phone the NRS on 1300 555 727 and ask for 03 9278 4444.
  • Interpreter and translation services in languages other than English and for people with a hearing or vision impairment.

To report improper conduct by a Councillor or Council employee, visit report improper conduct.

Helpful information to include in your complaint

It's helpful for us if you can include: 

  • your name and contact details. You can make an anonymous complaint, but this may limit how we can respond to you
  • the action, decision, service or policy you are dissatisfied with and why you are dissatisfied with it 
  • relevant details, such as dates, times, location or reference numbers, and any documents that support your complaint 
  • the outcome you are seeking
  • whether you have any communication needs we might need to support you with.

Anonymous complaints

Although anonymous complaints won't be rejected, our ability to fully investigate these matters will be limited. This is because specific information may not be fully available. We also won't be able to provide you with a response in writing, including any decisions we make or actions we take.

Handling your complaint

Our complaint handling process looks at your complaint fairly and objectively in line with our:

We will keep you updated during the process and contact you to with an outcome. If we are unable to meet your expectations, we'll clearly explain why.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome or how we handled the complaint, you can request an internal review. This review will be carried out by an officer independent of the initial complaint. If you are still not satisfied after an internal review, you can contact the Victorian Ombudsman.


We value your feedback about the City of Boroondara Complaints Policy and approach. Please feel free to contact us via any of the options above.

We also want to be proactive about obtaining your feedback regarding our commitment to our customers. From time to time, we may contact you to seek your feedback on your interactions with the City of Boroondara.

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