Actions to make Council more sustainable
4.1 Reduce the total number of vehicles in our fleet and speed up the transition to electric-powered or other low-emissions options.
4.2 Find and set aside land for fast charging stations, including car-sharing models.
4.3 Look for ways to include electric vehicle and bicycle charging in all relevant Council civil works.
4.4 Support flexible working options for Council staff to reduce the number of trips by motor vehicles.
4.5 Ask contractors to use low-emission vehicles as much as possible in new contracts.
Partnership actions
4.6 Promote sustainability programs and events to encourage more sustainable types of transport.
4.7 Support the installation of electric vehicle and bicycle chargers.
4.8 Support improved off-road, shared or separated bicycle and pedestrian paths.
4.9 Connect the off-road cycling network through new links (on and off-road). This includes improved crossing facilities on main and local roads.
4.10 Explore options for more on-road bike lane facilities.
4.11 Create and improve walking routes to transport hubs.
4.12 Deliver a range of sustainable transport events and programs for schools.
Actions to adapt to climate change
4.13 Implement our Shade Policy and look for opportunities to improve the shade on walking routes.
4.14 Install lighting for shared paths, as well as paths in reserves and parks to encourage walking and cycling. We’ll also think about the effects of light pollution.
Policy and advocacy actions
4.15 Review and update our Integrated Transport Strategy.
4.16 Develop a Bicycle Strategy.
4.17 Develop a Public Transport Strategy.
4.18 Advocate for freight emissions to be reduced. This includes offering incentives for electric trucks and anti-idling.
4.19 Advocate for all Victorian transport projects to provide ready-to-use electric vehicle and bicycle charging infrastructure.
4.20 Advocate for fast charging in service stations.
4.21 Review our Car Share Policy and Procedures to provide support for sustainable transport.
4.22 Advocate for more tram stops to be built that are in an appropriate location and comply with the Disability Discrimination Act 1992.
4.23 Support local business hubs that help reduce commuter travel.
4.24 Develop a Council Fleet Transition Plan to support more use of low-emissions vehicles by Council.