Actions and themes

Key actions

The actions in our Climate Action Plan will set Boroondara on a path to meet our targets.

Some of these actions are ready to roll out, and some need more planning and development. Other actions require new or updated policies to reach our goals and targets.

We have identified these actions as achievable priorities by our community and staff. We have also researched best practises to reduce and adapt to the effects of climate change.

Dependencies and future planning

Some of the actions need commitments from partners. Others depend on technology being available. Our Plan currently shows how we can take those actions when it’s possible. For example, around 8% of our greenhouse gas emissions that come from natural gas are for heating buildings and pools. Another 8% comes from our vehicle fleet, which includes large waste collection vehicles. These percentages come from our baseline year of 2007–08.

Natural Gas reduction

In 2021, 40 % of our emissions came from natural gas usage. We've set a target to halve the number of our buildings that use natural gas by 2030.


  • Support smaller buildings to use electric power.
  • Explore ways to support larger buildings and pools to use electric power.
  • Consider heat pump technology for larger facilities and aquatic centers.
  • Collaborate with other Victorian councils to trial different technologies.

Vehicle Fleet transition

We have set a target to convert 90% of our passenger fleet to electric vehicles (EVs) or other low emissions technology by 2030. 


  • Start with light vehicles.
  • Gradually include heavier vehicles over time.
  • Continue to look for new opportunities to transition larger vehicles.

Collaboration and continuous exploration of new technologies are essential to achieving these targets.

Key themes

Our actions over the 10-year life of the Climate Action Plan are summarised under 5 key themes:

  1. Energy efficiency and renewable energy
  2. Biodiversity and trees
  3. Water and waterways
  4. Transport
  5. Circular economy (waste).

We ‌also have overarching actions that affect more than one theme.

Under each theme, the actions are classified as:

  • Actions to make Council more sustainable
  • Partnership actions
  • Actions to adapt to climate change
  • Policy and advocacy actions.

These long-term and broad actions will be supported by:

  • more detailed actions in the Climate Action Plan Implementation Plan
  • strategies that are specific to the themes above
  • our annual budget process.
A woman and young girl with a chicken