Some of our services are closed or have different hours for the public holiday on Monday 10 March.

Initiative 8

Continue to run and support promotional and educational programs aimed at encouraging people to ride bicycles through raising awareness of the benefits and developing safe riding skills.

Initiative 8 is in line with our guiding principle of Awareness and education.

With support from other organisations, Boroondara currently runs different promotional activities and events, as well as educational workshops and programs. We want to continue these initiatives and broaden their target audience. 

This includes under-represented groups in the bicycle riding community, including: 

  • women
  • students (secondary and tertiary)
  • people from multicultural backgrounds
  • parents of school-aged children.

We want to educate people about:

  • safe bicycle routes that meet the needs of all users 
  • safe riding behaviour 
  • bicycle skills to build confidence levels
  • how to pass pedestrians on shared paths
  • riding on the road.
2 people fixing a bike

Actions to support Initiative 8

  • Update the current Boroondara TravelSmart map and share with the community to raise awareness of safe, attractive bike routes and to help riders to plan journeys by bike.
  • Continue to run bicycle promotional and behaviour change programs for children. This includes travel plans for primary and high schools and Safe Routes to School initiatives.
  • Work with tertiary institutes to develop a promotional and behaviour change program targeting students and staff.
  • Work with local organisations to develop travel plans and Ride to Work Day initiatives.
  • Continue to run safe bicycle riding educational training and skills programs or workshops.
  • Continue to support and promote sustainable transport initiatives with Council staff.
  • Work with local bicycle shops to promote responsible riding when someone buys an e-bike. This includes increased awareness of the Road Safety Road Rules. Develop a flyer outlining key messages with links to other Council-run courses and initiatives.