OUTAGE: Payments - 20 July 2023

Some of our online payment services are currently unavailable.  We apologise for any inconvenience.

Applications are now open. Check the full terms and conditions.

The Boroondara Farmers Market is managed by the City of Boroondara and the Rotary Club of Glenferrie (Rotary Club). The Rotary Club looks after the market day managers. 

Note: The Boroondara Farmers Market is a Victorian Farmers Market Association (VFMA) accredited market. All stallholders must meet the criteria in the VFMA. Before applying to become a stallholder, you must:

  • have a current VFMA accreditation 
  • comply with VFMA Rules of Association
  • have current Public Liability Insurance
  • be registered with Foodtrader, where applicable.

Terms and conditions

We've provided a summary of the terms and conditions for Boroondara Farmers Market stallholders on this page. You can also read the full terms and conditions by downloading the Boroondara Farmers Market terms and conditions document below.

Eligibility criteria

  • You must have VFMA accreditation, an up-to-date membership and comply with the VFMA Rules of Association.
  • Fresh produce or food products offered for sale must: 
    • be grown and produced in Victoria, such as but not limited to, fruit and vegetables, fresh chicken, meats and fish smoked meats and fish, cheeses, honey, oils, bread etc
    • sold by the producer or a person connected to the producer who has a good knowledge of the product
    • not be genetically modified (in other words, must be GM-free)
    • be grown with the least possible use of chemicals. 

We will give preference to growers on this basis.    

  • Products such as jams, chutneys, sweets and cakes made in Victoria with local ingredients must be sold by the manufacturer of those products. 
  • Selected products from outside Victoria, such as coffee and teas, must have had value added in Victoria, and must be sold by a person involved in that value adding.

Market day terms and conditions

  • Information about the produce being sold must be available to customers at each stall. All prices must be clearly labelled. 
  • Packaging is to be minimised and recyclable packaging used where possible. Disposable cutlery and crockery must be bio-degradable. 
  • Stallholders must remove all rubbish generated by them at the end of the market. 


  • Standard, grassed sites are approximately 3m x 4m and can hold a light vehicle and/or table and shelter. Special site requirements should be noted below and will be assessed by Market Management and dependent upon availability. A limited number of powered sites are available.
  • In the event that Patterson Reserve is unavailable, the Boroondara Farmers Market will be relocated to the adjacent carpark at the absolute discretion of the Boroondara Farmers Market Committee 
  • Marquees are to be weighted appropriately.
  • The fees are $80 per market for a standard site and $120 per market for a larger site. Fees must be paid in advance via direct electronic transfer to the Rotary Club's nominated bank account. If the stallholder elects to pay on the day, the fee is $90.  
  • Stallholders must arrive between 6 am and 7 am to set up their sites. Due to health and safety reasons, no stallholder is permitted to begin trading before 8 am. Stallholders must not leave the market site prior to 12:30 pm

Apply to become a stallholder

Existing stallholders

Existing stallholders must reapply each year.

New stallholders

Boroondara Farmers Market stalls are always in high demand and are currently at capacity, however, the Boroondara Farmers Market Committee is always interested in receiving applications from potential stallholders.

Register your interest for future vacancies now.

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