We are performing maintenance on our eforms which will be unavailable until about 1AM.

If you are running a community event in Boroondara, we may publish it on our Events page.

We prioritise not-for-profit and community events that are held within Boroondara and are of value or interest to our community. 

Submit your event

Mailing Road

We will accept events that support:

  • community-run arts performances
  • charity event days
  • local markets
  • local workshops or learning events.

We won't accept events that:

  • have a political focus
  • are religious in nature
  • promote hate speech.

We don't put images on community events due to issues with privacy and permissions. We no longer publish community events in the printed version of the monthly Boroondara Bulletin.

We can publish 4 weeks worth of event dates at a time. This ensures the event information is current and accurate. You can submit more dates once the original 4 weeks of dates have passed.

Please note: while we will try to publish all suitable community events, we may not be able to accommodate every request.

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