Annual Report Summary 2018-19


The Annual Report 2018-19 details the performance of the City of Boroondara during the financial year.

Our vision is for a vibrant and inclusive city meeting the needs and aspirations of its community.

This Annual Report summary highlights the key achievements and challenges of 2018-19 by Council’s seven themes included in the Council Plan 2017-21 and Boroondara Community Plan 2017-27.   


Feedback on this document is welcome. Please email [email protected] or write to City of Boroondara, Private Bag 1, Camberwell VIC 3124.


Council would like to thank all those who contributed to the development of the 2018-19 Annual Report.

More information

For a copy of the Annual Report summary or past Annual Reports, please call Customer Service on (03) 9278 4444.

Download the Boroondara Annual Report Summary

The City of Boroondara’s Annual Report 2018-19 highlights the achievements and challenges of the past year. It reports on how we are meeting the strategic objectives set out in the Council Plan 2017-21.

Message from the Mayor | Message from the CEO 

A message from the Mayor 

Councillor Jane Addis

I am pleased to present the City of Boroondara’s 2018-19 Annual Report. 

A highlight of the 2018-19 reporting year has been the delivery of community projects that you told us are important to you. These are outlined in the Boroondara Community Plan, which is our 10-year vision for the future of Boroondara.  

In this report Council will showcase a number of the projects completed this reporting year that address each of the 7 priority themes in the Boroondara Community Plan. 

We have continued to invest in our facilities, with more than $57.32 million committed to infrastructure projects throughout our municipality. Of this, we invested $6.66 million on our much loved parks, open spaces and streetscapes and $21.98 million in enhancing community buildings so they meet your ongoing needs. 

Construction commenced this year at Balwyn Community Centre. Benefits of the upgrade include the creation of new and functional spaces for community programs and groups, the relocation and expansion of the Balwyn Maternal and Child Health Centre and enhanced parklands and gardens.

Consultation has been undertaken to inform the complete transformation of the Kew Recreation Centre into a state-of-the-art facility that is suitable for people of all ages and abilities.  

We have also continued important planning for the redevelopment of Camberwell Community Centre and Ashburton Seniors Centre, both of which are expected to be completed next year and will each better meet the needs of our growing and increasingly diverse population.

This year also saw the delivery of the Over 55s section on our website, which hosts over 600 health and wellbeing activities, events and services encouraging those aged 55 years and above to stay happy and healthy in Boroondara.

We continued the work to protect our City’s heritage, with the implementation of the Municipal Wide Heritage Gap Study. This proactive initiative has identified over 5,000 heritage properties that sit outside existing Heritage Overlays across Boroondara for protection.  

It is important to highlight the many vital services that we deliver for our community. These include:

  • $8.22 million spent on library services, providing a 7 day per week service across the City, with more than 1 million visits and nearly 2.4 million loans last year.
  • $3.28 million spent on aged, disability and health services. This includes the delivery of 70,813 hours of in-home care for the elderly and those with a disability and 25,245 immunisations to infants and children across Boroondara. 
  • $2.17 million spent on family and youth services, with 38 buildings also leased to community organisations which provide long day care, occasional care and kindergarten services at little or no cost.  
  • Collecting 67,468 tonnes of waste from kerbside bins.

All of these great achievements cannot occur without the support and partnership of our residents, community groups, local businesses and Council staff. 

So, on behalf of my fellow Councillors and the organisation, I would like to thank you all for your interest and ongoing contributions to ensuring Boroondara continues to thrive. 

Cr Jane Addis 

A message from the CEO 

Phillip Storer

Phillip Storer
Chief Executive Officer

I am pleased with the progress we have made this reporting year. We’ve continued to work hard on delivering what you told us was important to you through the Boroondara Community Plan.

Each year, we use the Annual Report as an opportunity to show our community how we’ve performed as an organisation, sharing with you our successes and also reflecting on areas in which we can improve for the future. 

Strategic indicators for our performance are underpinned by the priority themes you identified in the Boroondara Community Plan. These strategic indicators form the Annual Commitments Council strives to achieve each year. I can report we met 92 per cent of our Annual Commitments this year and our financial position continues to remain sound. 

This year’s Community Satisfaction Survey results are reflective of our achievements, with our residents rating our performance highly. This places us above the state-wide average yet again. 

We are proud of this result; however, we remain focused on making significant improvements to enhance the experience of all residents, business owners, visitors and the wider community. 

The Boroondara Customer First Program has been developed to help us deliver these improvements, which will result in seamless, easy and empowering experiences for our community. This year, we developed a business case to understand the returns that would be generated as a result of continued investment in the Boroondara Customer First Program. It also outlines the various initiatives, associated costs and benefits for Council and our community as a result of the program.  

Our community is already beginning to realise these benefits, with the implementation of our new online permit applications process for residential parking permits, disabled parking permits and new animal registrations. The shift to the digital application process enables our community to interact with us in their preferred way, 24 hours a day at a time convenient to them. It also provides the ability to lodge payments with their application in one smooth, simple transaction. 

The grand opening for the $17.2 million Greythorn Community Hub also took place this year, as the culmination of years of planning and in-depth consultation with our community. The hub is now a one-stop destination for much-needed community services and activities, including Trentwood at the Hub, Greythorn Library Lounge, Greythorn Early Childhood Centre and Maternal Child Health, as well as community support and wellbeing services provided by Access Health and Community.

Sustainability continues to remain at the forefront for Council, with the successful delivery of upgrades in line with the Energy Performance Contract. As an organisation, we have a responsibility to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. Works were completed in June this year across seven of Council’s largest buildings, which is expected to deliver $250,000 worth of savings in energy consumption costs and over 1,760 tonnes in greenhouse gas emissions.

These achievements would not be possible without the help of our engaged, enthusiastic community. On behalf of Council, I’d like to thank you for your ongoing support and feedback which shapes the important work we do every day.

I’d also like to thank our dedicated Council staff whose contributions and continued hard work allow us to deliver the services and infrastructure our community needs and deserves. 

I look forward to another year of working together to deliver for Boroondara.

Phillip Storer
Chief Executive Officer

Your community, services and facilities

Strategic objective

Community services and facilities are high quality, inclusive and meet a variety of needs now and into the future.

Key figures

  • $39.6 million net operating cost
  • 102 groups received Council community grants
  • 2.38 million library items borrowed.


Active Ageing Hub

Project overview

Council launched the Over 55s section of the website at the Boroondara Seniors Festival on 9 October 2018. The tool allows website users to search from over 600 health and wellbeing activities, events and services for older adults in Boroondara by filtering to their specific interests under categories including: 

  • creative
  • exercise
  • learning
  • social
  • outings
  • at home.

Users are also able to filter by location to find activities most convenient to them in their local area.

Extensive community consultation was undertaken to inform the concept design through focus groups and surveys. We engaged residents over the age of 55 and their adult children, as well as community and health practitioners to test and advise on the product’s features and usability. 

In addition, Council committed to undertake an extensive engagement strategy with a principle of flexible outreach. Since the launch, Council has delivered over 20 engagement activities at various locations across the municipality to promote the website and help people with low digital literacy.

Project aims

The Over 55s section of the website is part of the overarching Add Life campaign, which encourages older adults to stay healthy and happy in Boroondara. Developed in line with the Creating an Age Friendly Boroondara Strategy, the project set out to motivate and empower over 55s to engage in health and wellbeing opportunities in their local area. 

The tool also focuses on educating older adults about the importance of health and wellbeing by providing access to trusted health information via the Better Health Channel.

Project outcomes

The project has been well received by the community. Below are some key outcomes to date:

  • We now have over 80 external activity providers promoted with over 600 activities and events listed at any given time.
  • The most popular search category is ‘exercise’ and the top search terms are walking, yoga and cycling.
  • Since the launch we have seen a 169% increase in page views to our content for older people and increased traffic to external activity provider websites by 609%.
  • While a formal impact study is yet to be completed, early signs are positive with new members at Neighbourhood Houses reporting they had heard about their activity via the Over 55s section of the website.
  • Boroondara Age Support Workers report that it is now easier to provide their clients with relevant, up-to-date information that best suits their unique needs.

For more information, see Over 55s.

Summary of other achievements

  • Officially opened the Greythorn Community Hub containing Trentwood at the Hub (a new neighbourhood house), Greythorn Library Lounge, Greythorn Early Childhood Centre, Greythorn Maternal and Child Health Centre, and community support and wellbeing services provided by Access Health and Community.
  • Launched the new ‘Add Life to Your Years’ section of the website, designed to promote active ageing and provide health and wellbeing information for older people in our community to suit their individual needs. 
  • Special community event held at the Greythorn Community Hub to commemorate the centenary of Armistice Day in collaboration with the Balwyn North RSL. 
  • Provided over 70,000 hours of care to eligible elderly residents, enabling them to live at home independently under the Commonwealth Home Support Programme.
  • Celebrated 20 years of the Boroondara Literary Awards in partnership with the Rotary Club of Balwyn. 
  • Launched the new library ‘What's on’ brochure.
  • ‘Book a Court’ technology was installed at a number of tennis clubs across Boroondara to provide improved casual access to tennis facilities for the community.
  • Conducted a pilot Pet Expo attracting more than 1,500 attendees who expressed support for a Pet Expo in the future. Fifteen stall holders provided a range of pet accessories and information for the benefit of pet owners and future pet owners.
  • Completed the first stage of consultation for the Kew Recreation Centre, engaging with 1,500 community members. Council sought initial ideas and preferences on what is most important to the community and consolidated feedback to help develop a concept design for the new Centre.

Attendance at Youth Services programs and services

Bar graph. 2014-15: 3,661; 2015-16: 3,512; 2016-17: 4,285; 2017-18: 4,664; 2018-19: 4,990

Number of vaccinations administered

Bar graph. 2013-14: 32,985; 2014-15: 28,606; 2015-16: 28,849; 2016-17: 30,549; 2017-18: 25,254


  • Council worked with SalvoCare Eastern to respond to an increasing number of reports of homelessness, which are becoming more complex. The lack of viable social housing options in Boroondara has compounded this issue.
  • Ongoing challenges continue to present in the retention and recruitment of school crossing supervisors as a result of the retirement of what is predominantly an ageing workforce within our school crossing staff and the difficulty to attract new crossing staff. 

Your parks and green spaces

Strategic objective

Inviting and well-utilised community parks and green spaces.

Key figures

  • $13.7 million net operating cost
  • 19,200 indigenous trees, shrubs, grasses and groundcovers planted during the year
  • 437ha of open space maintained.


Playground upgrades


Upgrade playgrounds at Canterbury Sports Ground, Ferndale Park and Gordon Street Reserve to provide high quality, safe and diverse play opportunities for children and families.

Project overview

The City of Boroondara is a family friendly City home to over 100 playgrounds. Through its Playground Replacement Program, Council is committed to enhancing the lives of children and their families by improving local playgrounds.

The playgrounds at Canterbury Sports Ground, Ferndale Park and Gordon Street Reserve were no longer meeting the needs of the community and were recently upgraded to current day standards.

The local community were consulted on the design of each playground. The feedback received assisted in giving each play space its own unique character. Council officers worked collaboratively and provided specialist advice for the design of each site.

Project aims

The projects set out to provide high quality, safe and diverse play opportunities for children and families. The upgrade works also improved accessibility to our playgrounds and provided increased shade opportunities.

Project outcomes

The new playgrounds have been very popular with the local community, seeing children of all ages and abilities gather with their families to enjoy the new equipment. 

For more information, see Improving playgrounds.

Summary of other achievements

  • Sought feedback from the local community as part of the Playground Replacement Program. Council received over 100 responses that helped inform the development of the playground designs.
  • Four new playgrounds, including shade structures, were delivered throughout the year with a focus on enhancing the lives of children and their families by providing additional and enriched opportunities for children to engage with the natural environment through play.
  • Consulted with the local community and sports clubs regarding the Gordon Barnard Reserve raingarden and harvesting plan. Consultation results indicated community support for this approach to preserving valuable drinking water and preventing pollution from entering our waterways.

Satisfaction with appearance of public areas

Bar graph. 2014-15: 79; 2015-16: 80; 2016-17: 78; 2017-18: 78; 2018-19: 80

Area of land managed for biodiversity (hectares)

Bar graph. 2016-17: 40.6; 2017-18: 41.9; 2018-19: 43.1

Data not available for 2014-15 and 2015-16.

The environment

Strategic objective

Our natural environment is healthy and sustainable for future generations.

Key figures

  • $22.9 million net operating cost
  • 67,468 tonnes of waste collected from kerbside bins
  • 43.1ha of land managed for biodiversity.


Reduce greenhouse gas emissions


Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and energy costs at Council buildings by implementing low emissions technologies and energy efficiency upgrades identified in Council’s Energy Performance Contract.

Project overview

Council operates a number of high-quality facilities, providing a variety of services for our community. These facilities use electricity and natural gas, which produce greenhouse gases and result in high financial costs.

In order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and energy costs from these large Council buildings, Council implemented the Energy Performance Contract (EPC), investing in cost effective, low emissions technologies and energy efficient upgrades and retrofits to achieve this. 

Through the Eastern Alliance for Greenhouse Action the City of Boroondara carried out a cross-council collaboration with Yarra Ranges, Maroondah and Knox to plan and tender the EPC. This collaboration allowed the partners to access a greater pool of expertise, share resources and leverage value from greater buying and negotiation power.

The EPC is performance based, using accepted industry standards, along with low risk, accountable methodology to deliver energy efficiency upgrades to buildings. 

The EPC approach allowed Council to achieve substantial savings in energy use and associated greenhouse gas costs. It will also assist in achieving the emissions target included in Council’s Our Low Carbon Future Strategy 2009.

The EPC project has prioritised upgrades at seven sites, Ashburton Pool and Recreation Centre (APARC), Boroondara Sports Complex (BSC), Hawthorn Town Hall, Hawthorn Aquatics and Leisure Centre and the three buildings of the Camberwell Municipal Offices. 

Future work with the provider will measure and ensure the delivery of committed savings.

Project aims

The project set out to identify opportunities to improve the energy efficiency of Council buildings, and then act on these opportunities through the delivery of cost effective upgrades. The works were expected to deliver substantial savings in energy use, financial costs and greenhouse gas emissions.

Project outcomes

The works completed in June 2019 delivered the installation of $2.5 million in energy efficiency upgrades across seven of Council’s largest buildings. Works included upgrading pool heating at APARC and BSC to high efficiency boilers, high efficiency lighting upgrades across all sites, Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) and building management upgrades, and a range of other energy efficiency technologies. 

Annually, this is expected to result in savings over $250,000 and 1,760 tonnes in greenhouse gases, meaning that the project will pay for itself within 10 years. 

For more information, visit our Climate action page.

Summary of other achievements

  • Supported the formation of a community working group at Willsmere Station Community Garden which has transitioned to a committee of management. This group has participated in the design and development of the new garden and will be responsible for its ongoing operation.
  • Council has now completed $2.56 million in energy efficiency upgrades at seven of Council’s largest buildings as part of the Energy Performance contract. These works have been completed over two financial years 2017-18 and 2018-19.
  • Collected detailed asset data for 45,000 trees in the City’s parks, providing accessible up to date data about the City’s park trees.
  • Implemented the Paperless Office project to eliminate the physical mailing out of Building Permit documentation to applicants for a reduced environmental impact. 

Kerbside collection waste diverted from landfill

Bar graph. 2014-15: 47%; 2015-16: 48%; 2016-17: 49%; 2017-18: 49%; 2018-19: 49%

Tonnes of CO2 emissions from energy used from Council operations

Bar graph. 2014-15: 23,604; 2015-16: 23,397; 2016-17: 22,625; 2017-18: 22,483; 2018-19: 21,376


Boroondara, like many Victorian Councils, faced significant challenges with ensuring kerbside recycling material was appropriately processed in February 2019 when Melbourne’s primary recycling processing company was closed down by the Environment Protection Authority (EPA). The immediate challenges were to ensure kerbside collections were not interrupted and to minimise recycling sent to landfill.

In addition to the crisis response actions, Council also undertook a range of actions to ensure the problem can be avoided or minimised in the future. This included contributing to the Product Stewardship Act update, and the Parliamentary Inquiry into recycling and waste management. Council initiated a range of communications to residents through our media channels, including a 10-week waste avoidance Facebook campaign, which had 18,807 views.

Neighbourhood character and heritage

Strategic objective

Protect the heritage and respect the character of the City to maintain amenity and liveability whilst recognising the need for appropriate, well-designed development for future generations.

Key figures

  • $5.1 million net operating cost
  • 1,215 planning applications received
  • 2,396 building permits issued within Boroondara.


Municipal Wide Heritage Study


Protect the City’s heritage by continuing the Municipal Wide Heritage Study - a pro-active assessment program of all properties outside the existing Heritage Overlay in the Boroondara Planning Scheme.

Project overview

Local heritage, neighbourhood character and careful management of new developments all contribute to Boroondara’s uniqueness and liveability. Heritage overlays are in place to protect places of aesthetic, social or historical value.

The community has raised concerns with Council over many years about the loss of valuable heritage properties and precincts throughout Boroondara. This includes the loss of valued heritage properties that are not within the Heritage Overlay.

In response to these concerns, Council initiated the Municipal Wide Heritage Gap Study, the largest heritage work program undertaken in Boroondara’s history. The project seeks to identify and protect heritage properties throughout Boroondara that are currently not included in the existing Heritage Overlay. The total cost of the Study is anticipated to exceed $1.2 million over five years.

Project aims

The Municipal Wide Heritage Gap Study seeks to identify and protect heritage properties and precincts, consistent with the priorities set out in the adopted Heritage Action Plan 2016.

Project outcomes

Since the initiation of the Study over 5,000 heritage properties across Boroondara have been identified through suburb-based heritage assessments. Interim heritage controls have been applied to over 4,000 properties in Canterbury, Camberwell, Hawthorn, Kew and Hawthorn East combined. The final study for Ashburton will be completed shortly, prior to preliminary consultation commencing.

It is expected that the Municipal Wide Heritage Gap Study will identify and ultimately deliver greater protection of Boroondara’s heritage for the long term through the inclusion of additional properties in the Heritage Overlay.

For more information about heritage in Boroondara, see Heritage.

Summary of other achievements

  • Progressing the Municipal Wide Heritage Gap Study that will identify and deliver greater protection of Boroondara’s heritage for the long term through the inclusion of additional properties in the Heritage Overlay.
  • Undertaken a successful communications campaign on reducing the rate of non-working smoke alarms, as measured at fires the Metropolitan Fire Brigade (MFB) attended in Boroondara. 
  • Consulted with relevant authorities in relation to the Victorian Statewide Cladding Audit, and have been involved in the process of auditing and enforcing buildings containing combustible cladding, ensuring essential safety measures are being maintained for the safety of the occupants.

Building permits approved within 30 days

Bar graph: 2014-15: 93%; 2015-16: 99%; 2016-17: 100%; 2017-18: 97%; 2018-19: 71%

Planning applications processed within 60 days

Bar graph. 2013-14: 83%; 2014-15: 76%; 2015-16: 81%; 2016-17: 79%; 2017-18: 74%; 2018-19: 75%


  • The Minister for Planning has introduced a Planning Permit Exemption in the Boroondara Planning Scheme which allows property owners to act on a Building Permit for demolition, despite the introduction of interim heritage controls. The exemption has been applied specifically to Boroondara. The Minister's decision undermines the work undertaken through the Municipal Wide Heritage Gap Study to protect places of identified heritage value. 
  • There is ongoing community concern about the timely protection of heritage places in Boroondara. The challenge facing Council is effectively protecting places of heritage value within a statutory process where the Minister for Planning is the final decision maker and in the context of the planning permit exemptions introduced through the planning scheme.
  • The ongoing Statewide Cladding Audit led by the Victorian Building Authority will continue to have implications on Council resources with additional enforcement inspection and follow up action required to be carried out by qualified and skilled Building Surveying staff.

Getting around Boroondara

Strategic objective

Travel options that are connected, safe, accessible, environmentally sustainable and well-designed.

Key figures

  • $6.1 million net operating cost
  • 563 kilometres of local roads 
  • 196 traffic counts and surveys.


Sustainable travel options 


Provide paths and infrastructure on Council managed land and advocate for walking and cycling initiatives on arterial roads to increase active and environmentally sustainable travel options for the community.

Project overview

There was a distinctive unmade path in Patterson Reserve adjacent to Reserve Road, which was well utilised by pedestrians, including many Melbourne University students. In winter the unmade path would deteriorate further with the rain leading to access difficulties. Given the high usage of the unmade track, Council proposed to seal the existing trail to improve access and safety for pedestrians. 

The local community had the opportunity to review the proposed path and provide feedback. Discussions were also had with Council officers to discuss the path alignment, clearance to trees and the materials to be used on the new path. The preferred path materials involved Lilydale toppings with a small section in exposed aggregate concrete. 

Project aims

The project set out to improve accessibility and safety for all users, including pedestrians in Patterson Reserve between Robinson Road and Kooyongkoot Road.

Project outcomes

The new accessible path, extending for 250 metres was completed in September 2018 and is enjoyed by many in the wider community.

For more information, contact the Coordinator Transport Management on 9278 4518.

Summary of other achievements

  • Council’s Community Transport service was reviewed and benchmarked with other like councils to design a service that is responsive to community need and ensures the most efficient service is delivered to the community. As a result of the review and benchmarking, a new bus route will be trialled to respond to local need.
  • Continued advocacy on the North East Link (NEL), a proposed freeway-standard new road linking the Metropolitan Ring Road to the Eastern Freeway at Bulleen Road.

Community satisfaction with sealed local roads

Bar graph. 2014-15: 74; 2015-16: 73; 2016-17: 71; 2017-18: 73; 2018-19: 71

Number of traffic counts and surveys

Bar graph. 2014-15: 158; 2015-16: 195; 2016-17: 159; 2017-18: 168; 2018-19: 196


  • An increase in major developments (simultaneously in most cases) within the municipality has meant Council has had to focus more of its efforts into ensuring that developers manage their construction to minimise the impacts to the community.

Your local shops and businesses

Strategic objective

A vibrant local economy and shops that are accessible, attractive and a centre of community life.

Key figures

  • $1 million net operating cost
  • 1,238 members of the Business Boroondara Network 
  • 1,041 proactive strip shopping centre maintenance inspections completed.


Supporting local businesses 


Support local businesses to advance their use of technology to strengthen their business model and viability.

Project overview

Council developed and facilitated a number of successful, customer-centric social media workshops to educate local retailers in Boroondara.

Council engaged a social media expert to provide one-on-one, personalised mentoring sessions to interested retail centres. Each workshop was tailored to the unique, individual needs of each retailer to learn about: 

  • Facebook for business
  • Instagram for business
  • LinkedIn
  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and website statistics
  • getting the best from technology in your business
  • visual merchandising.

Project aims

Feedback from local businesses and trader associations indicated a shift from traditional approaches to marketing, particularly for retailers. Feedback also revealed that businesses were in need of a personalised approach to suit their individual social media needs.

Project outcomes

The program has been a success, with over 80 per cent of session participants satisfied and 100 sessions undertaken attracting over 1,500 participants from our local business community. Council is working with all local retail precincts to maximise the delivery of this program, now and into the future. 

For more information, see On-demand workshops.

Summary of other achievements

  • Introduced the new Boroondara Service Crew to the City’s main retail precincts. The new Service Crew undertakes maintenance and cleaning activities, ensuring the quality presentation of the City’s main retail areas. 
  • Implemented the Christmas in Boroondara program which included installation of 1,035 decorations across all 53 shopping centres. 
  • Supported local businesses to understand the importance of technology through a combination of initiatives, including free business mentoring, networking and associated information exchange between businesses and through the Experience Collective and Co-Lab programs.

Number of participants in Council's business training activities

Bar graph. 2014-15: 713; 2015-16: 817; 2016-17: 1,556; 2017-18: 1,457; 2018-19: 1,543

Members of the Business Boroondara Network

Bar graph. 2014-15: 1,910; 2015-16: 2,028; 2016-17: 1,267; 2017-18: 1,115; 2018-19: 1,238


  • The evolving Australian retail environment continues to place significant pressure on Boroondara’s shopping centres, particularly with regard to the growth of the online retail sector and recent investment in the expansion of existing 'hard top' centres.
  • Council faced difficulty finding civil contractors due to the scale of civil works in the market place.

Civic leadership and governance

Strategic objective

Ensure that ethical, financial and socially responsible decision making reflects community needs and is based on principles of accountability, transparency, responsiveness and consultation.

Key figures

  • $30.2 million net operating cost  
  • 225,606 total customer contacts 
  • 77,686 rateable properties.


Community Pavilions - Sport and Recreation Policy


During the facility renewal process, identify opportunities to support increased community group usage at sporting pavilions. Council’s Assets Leasing and Licensing Policy will prompt multi-use of sporting facilities.

Project overview 

Sport and recreation pavilions are traditionally heavily utilised in the evening and over the weekend; however, they are often underutilised during the day. Conversely, the growth of population in Boroondara and the ever-expanding need from a variety of community groups and organisations has meant that difficulties have been experienced in finding space to run community programs during the day.

There was an opportunity during the project to consider how to incorporate use by other community organisations of sport and recreation pavilions during the day. This could improve the utilisation of the pavilions as well as meet the need of community groups for space.

The Community Pavilions - Sport and Recreation Policy was developed, which encourages multi-use of sport and recreation pavilions in the community. The policy outlines standard component sizes for clubs, ensuring equitable use of resources and prioritises renewal based on service demand, functionality and condition. 

Sporting clubs were engaged to help shape and develop the policy.

Project aims

Overall the project aimed to better utilise sporting pavilions to ensure they benefit as many people in the community as possible, as well as ensuring the responsible usage of a Council asset.

Project outcomes

The Community Pavilions - Sport and Recreation Policy was endorsed by Council.

The project has also seen new relationships created with the shared use of the newly built Matlock Centre by the Canterbury Neighbourhood Centre during the day and the Camberwell Hockey Club during the evening and on the weekend.

The project also formed the joint use of the newly built Balwyn Park Centre by U3A Deepdene, the Balwyn Park Tennis Club, Balwyn Football Club and the Balwyn Cricket Club. 

For more information, contact the Senior Coordinator Recreation and Wellbeing on 9278 4765.

Summary of other achievements

  • Created and launched online forms for Council’s booked waste services (hard waste, Christmas tree and bundled green waste collections), allowing customers to make requests 24/7 and providing a more efficient means of Council servicing those requests.
  • Developed and launched online forms allowing customers to lodge and pay for residential parking permits, disabled parking permits and new animal registrations. This shift to a digital platform allows customers to have 24/7 access to permit applications and offers the ability to lodge the application with payment where applicable. 
  • Developed an electronic version of the Boroondara Bulletin. 
  • Conducted 5 pop-up Councils at festivals and farmers markets, allowing for increased community interactions with Council. 
  • Developed and adopted the Budget 2019-20 document in accordance with the Victorian Local Government Model Budget and aligned its structure to the Boroondara Community Plan 2017-27.

Capital projects completed - based on number of projects

Bar graph. 2014-15: 93%; 2015-16: 96%; 2016-17: 97%; 2017-18: 96%; 2018-19: 93%

Percentage completion of Audit Committee annual plan

Bar graph. 2014-15: 100%; 2015-16: 100%; 2016-17: 100%; 2017-18: 100%; 2018-19: 100%


  • Increased building costs associated with a desire to provide more underground car parking to help minimise impacts on public open space and improve public amenity.

Financial expenditure

During 2018-19, Council delivered the following services for every $100 they spent:

Where your rates go Actual 2018-19
Capital Works and Priority Projects $31.29 
Environment and Waste Management $13.33 
Parks, Gardens and Sportsgrounds $10.06
Health, Aged Community and Family Services $11.71
Roads, Footpaths, Safety and Drainage $5.30
Planning and Building $5.51
Library Services $7.36
Local Laws Enforcement $5.72
Culture, Leisure and Recreation and Civic Centres $1.92
Engineering and Traffic $2.43
Communications and Customer Service $3.08
Rates and Property Services $1.77
Economic Development $0.52

Note: Includes an allocation of corporate services, governance, risk management, building maintenance and public lighting across these service areas.