Annual Community Strengthening Grants guide

Annual Community Strengthening Grants are open to not-for-profit community organisations and groups in Boroondara. They provide support for new, one-off projects and activities that strengthen the Boroondara community. 

Grants up to $10,000 are available per project or activity under 6 grant streams:

  • Active Community - Sports and Recreation
  • Life-long Community - Opportunities for Over 55s
  • Creative Community - Arts and Culture
  • Healthy Community - Health, Safety and Wellbeing, Youth, Children and Families
  • Sustainable Community - Environmental Sustainability
  • Vibrant Retail Precincts.

A maximum of $2,000 is available for equipment purchases. Applicants can submit more than one application; however, the combined total of all grant applications must be no more than $10,000.

Please follow the steps of this guide for all the information you need to apply for a grant.

Important dates

For important dates, visit our Annual Community Strengthening Grants page.

Conditions of funding

For information about the conditions and eligibility of funding for our Annual Community Strengthening Grants and what we won't fund, please visit our Annual grants eligibility and conditions page.

Get the help you need

If you have any questions or need advice, we’re here to help.

We hold grant information sessions and one-on-one sessions, which you can find out more about on our Get help with your grant application page. And we're a quick phone call or email away to answer any questions you have.

For general enquiries about the grants program, please contact the Community Development Officer (Grants and Partnerships) on (03) 9278 4753 or email [email protected].

Auspiced applications

If your organisation or group is not incorporated, you will need an incorporated organisation to act as your auspice. Find out more on our Auspiced applications page.

Determine whether you qualify for an Annual Community Strengthening Grant

To qualify for a grant, your organisation must: 

  • provide direct benefits to residents of the City of Boroondara
  • be not-for-profit, as classified by the Australian Tax Office in the Income Tax Assessment Act (1936) 
  • be a registered legally constituted entity. You may have another organisation auspice your application (unless requesting less than $1,000).
  • have an Australian Business Number (ABN), or complete a Statement by Supplier form or hold an exemption from registration
  • have a committee of management that accepts responsibility for the administration of the grant
  • hold a public liability insurance policy to cover the staff, members and the general public, if appropriate
  • not have your own grant-giving or fundraising program that finances another organisation's community initiatives
  • comply with all other relevant Australian legislation and Victorian legislation, including: accounting and auditing requirements; equal opportunity and anti-discrimination laws; human rights laws; privacy, confidentiality and freedom of information laws; registration or accreditation of professional employees; and preparation and dissemination of annual reports
  • have an adequate risk management plan in place (as required)
  • if relevant, have satisfactorily accounted to Council for the expenditure of any previous Council grants.

See our grants eligibility and conditions page for conditions of funding and what we won't fund.

Does your organisation comply with all of the criteria above?

  • If yes, go to step 2
  • If no, your organisation doesn’t qualify for an Annual Community Strengthening Grant. If you’d like to clarify any of the above criteria, please contact the Community Development Officer (Grants and Partnerships) on 9278 4753 or email [email protected].

Choose the grant stream for your project or activity

The Annual Community Strengthening Grants have 6 grant streams. In your online Smarty Grants application, you'll be asked to choose the stream your project/activity best fits into. There will then be questions based on the objectives of that stream.

Read the objectives of each stream below. The adjacent video shows an example of a project that was funded through that grant stream. If you feel your project or activity falls under two or more streams, please choose the most relevant one.

1. Active Community - Sports and Recreation

This stream aims to build accessible recreation, sport and physical activities to meet the needs of our community (now and in the future), and enhance the functionality of public recreation spaces for a wide range of uses. Activities can also include education, training and capacity building for groups and clubs.


  • provide new and innovative opportunities for people to participate in local sport and physical activities
  • enhance participation in both structured (e.g. team sports) and non-structured (e.g. walking and cycling) sport and recreation for a diverse range of residents
  • encourage clubs to be self-sustainable (e.g. specialist coaching clinics, sustainable sport club ideas, club governance or admin skills).

2. Life-long Community - opportunities for over 55s

This streams supports opportunities for older people (aged 55 and over) to maximise their quality of life, enhancing wellbeing and fostering connections in the local community through the provision of programs, activities, volunteering and community sharing projects.


  • enhance older peoples' health and wellbeing and participation in the community
  • improve older peoples' access and mobility around the community
  • enhance social cohesion, promote strong community support networks and reduce social isolation.

3. Creative Community - Arts and Culture

This stream encourages diverse arts and cultural programs, festivals, events and activities that articulate and enhance arts, culture and heritage practice across Boroondara.


  • promote health, wellbeing, safety and/or a sense of community within Boroondara 
  • offer life-long learning opportunities for Boroondara’s diverse community
  • develop community stakeholder relationships (including arts and cultural organisations) which promote a sense of civic-pride
  • empower local community members and stakeholders to contribute to cultural
  • experiences and occasions for, and with, the community
  • engage the community at facilities and public spaces across Boroondara
  • introduce a new or emerging art form or cultural practice to the Boroondara community.

4. Healthy Community - Health, Safety and Wellbeing

This stream is available for projects and activities that promote safety, good health and wellbeing of individuals, families and community groups, across all ages, abilities and cultural backgrounds.


  • promote health, wellbeing, community safety, and prevention of violence
  • build connected and inclusive communities
  • offer learning opportunities for Boroondara’s diverse community.

5. Sustainable Community - Environmental Sustainability

This stream is available for projects and programs that build capacity to live sustainably and ensure our natural environment is healthy and sustainable for future generations through the efficient use of resources, reduction in waste and the protection of our local biodiversity. 


  • increase community awareness and understanding of environmental sustainability
  • showcase our natural environment as healthy and sustainable for future generations
  • build community capacity to live sustainably through efficient use of energy and water, resource recovery and/or reuse of materials, and renewable energy generation
  • support initiatives and projects which demonstrate diverse environmental sustainability benefits, including:
    • sustainable resource use (e.g. efficient use of energy and water, resource recovery, and renewable energy generation)
    • reduction of waste generated and disposed of in landfill  
    • climate change mitigation and adaptation 
    • biodiversity protection and enhancement
    • healthy waterways
    • sustainable transport (e.g. walking and cycling) 
    • local and sustainable food production and distribution.

6. Vibrant Retail Precincts

This stream is available to eligible community organisations to deliver initiatives, projects and activities that increase the vibrancy and functionality of retail precincts, enhance a sense of community and pride, and promote a ‘buy local’ ethos. Applications under this stream must be developed in consultation with, and supported by, relevant trader association/s (if not led by a trader association).


  • increase visitation and spending locally by promoting and showcasing the unique attributes and strengths of a retail precinct 
  • strengthen the connection between people, local community groups and retail precincts 
  • promote a sense of pride in the retail precinct
  • encourage participation in community life and enhance health and wellbeing
  • re-imagine and activate spaces to create memorable and social experiences where people feel a sense of belonging
  • showcase the skills and talents of the local community
  • promote and expand the local night-time economy.

Have you decided which stream your project falls into?

  • If yes, go to step 3
  • If no, and you need help, please contact the Community Development Officer (Grants and Partnerships) on 9278 4753 or email [email protected].

Would you like any help with your application? We have information sessions, one-on-one grant writing help and assistance with applying online. See our website for more information.

Consider where your project or activity is going to be delivered

If you require a space to deliver your activity, you may be eligible to apply for a Community Arts Venue Grant as part of your application. This means that you could receive in-kind venue hire for Hawthorn Arts Centre or Kew Court House to support you in delivering your project or activity. 

The spaces available can accommodate activities such as rehearsals, performances, functions, meetings, seminars, exhibitions or workshops.

Would you like to apply for a Community Arts Venue Grant?

More information

Visit our Community Arts Venue Grants page for more information. To discuss your project and your eligibility, contact our Arts Cultural Development Officer via email [email protected] or phone (03) 9278 4770.

Would you like any help with your application? We have information sessions, one-on-one grant writing help and assistance with applying online. For more information, visit Get help with your grant application.

Develop your application around the assessment criteria

Applications for Annual Community Strengthening Grant are assessed against four criteria. In your SmartyGrants application, you will be asked to write answers to address all the criteria.

Please read the criteria and prepare your answers before you talk to a Council officer. This will maximise the chance of a successful grant application.

You can also download our Annual Community Strengthening Grants workbook from the Downloads section on this page to help guide you through the application.

1. WHAT are the objectives of your proposed project or activity? (25 per cent)

2. WHY is the proposed project or activity needed? (25 per cent)

  • Demonstrate that the activity responds to a community need and provide evidence of demand.
  • Demonstrate that your research has identified this need and/or opportunities in the community that you intend to fill.
  • Demonstrate community support for your proposal.
  • Demonstrate that this activity cannot be funded elsewhere.
  • Demonstrate the need for second year funding (if applicable).

3. WHO will benefit from your project or activity? (25 per cent)

  • Describe who will participate in your project or activity and how the project outcomes will significantly benefit Boroondara residents. 
  • Describe how the project or activity creates links and develops partnerships with other organisations.

4. HOW will your organisation manage the funded project or activity over the funding period? (25 per cent)

  • Provide evidence that your organisation has the expertise and capacity to successfully manage and evaluate the project or activity.
  • Provide evidence of a program plan where appropriate.
  • Ensure the budget accurately reflects the activity proposed.

Have you read the assessment criteria and considered how your application will address it?

Would you like any help with your application? We have information sessions, one-on-one grant writing help and assistance with applying online. You can find out more on our Get help with your grant application page.

Download our Annual Community Strengthening Grants workbook

Please note: our Annual Community Strengthening Grants workbook is designed to be printed.

Discuss your idea with a Council officer

Before you apply for a grant, you must talk through your project idea with a Council officer. They'll help you shape your application to give it the best chance of success.

Depending on which stream your grant falls under, please contact the relevant person below. 

Active Community

RecreationWilliam Bullock(03) 9278 4783
SportChloe Cook(03) 9278 4734

Life-long Community

Aged ServicesMaree Guthrie(03) 9278 4955

Creative Community

Arts and CultureGabby Fisher(03) 9278 4770

Healthy Community

Children and FamiliesJemma Hansen0417 762 160
Cultural DiversityMel Brown(03) 9278 4998
Disability, Access and InclusionNatalie Bryant(03) 9278 4526
Health and WellbeingMelissa Grimes(03) 9278 4427
Neighbourhood HousesKatelyn Stanyer(03) 9278 4822
Safer CommunitiesAndrea Learbuch(03) 9278 4898 
Reconciliation  Liz O’Loughlin(03) 9278 4693
VolunteeringGeorgia Lukacs-Rotow(03) 9278 4550
YouthBenjamin Breslin(03) 9278 7822

Sustainable Community

EnvironmentAmaya De Silva(03) 9278 4373

Vibrant Retail Precincts

Local EconomiesSonja Tomasovic(03) 9835 7869

For general enquiries about the grants program, please the Community Development Officer (Grants and Partnerships) on (03) 9278 4753 or email [email protected].

Have you talked to a Council officer about your project?

  • If yes, go to step 6
  • If no, please contact the relevant Council officer from the list above. Your project won't be eligible for funding if you don't complete this step.

Would you like any help with your application? We have information sessions, one-on-one grant writing help and assistance with applying online. See our website for more information.

Gather your supporting documentation 

You will need to attach the following supporting documentation to your application in SmartyGrants:

  • Incorporation Annual Statement
  • the latest copy of your organisation’s financial statement 
  • a current public liability insurance certificate (or evidence of application for it)
  • letters or emails of support for your project, including auspice arrangement where applicable. 

Information about attaching these documents to your application can be found in step 9.

Have you copies of your supporting documentation ready for your application?

  • If yes, go to step 7
  • If no and you need help, please the Community Development Officer (Grants and Partnerships) on 9278 4753 or email [email protected].

Would you like any help with your application? We have information sessions, one-on-one grant writing help and assistance with applying online. See our website for more information.

Prepare your budget for SmartyGrants

Your application has a number of budgetary requirements. Before you start your online application in SmartyGrants, please ensure you've prepared your budget.

Make sure:

  • all budget costs are realistic and are justified for your project’s proposal
  • formal quotes for all services and products over $1,000 are obtained. Quotes must include the suppliers ABN and the GST amount
  • professional fees and administration costs only represent 50 per cent of the total amount requested
  • how a salary component is arrived at is shown (if applicable). Salaries and wages do not require a quote; however, a working out is required i.e.  x hrs a week @ $x per hr over x weeks
  • auspice fees are not included in the budget
  • all items listed in the budget include a description of the item and the dollar amount
  • the total income and total expenditure is equal and GST exclusive.

Have you prepared your budget?

  • If yes, go to step 8
  • If no and you need help, please the Community Development Officer (Grants and Partnerships) on 9278 4753 or email [email protected].

Would you like any help with your application? We have information sessions, one-on-one grant writing help and assistance with applying online. See our website for more information.

Register in SmartyGrants

You can apply for your grant using SmartyGrants, a web-based application. Before you can start filling in the application form, you must register your details.

How to register

  • Go to SmartyGrants
  • Click on 'Start a submission'
  • Click on 'Register'
  • Fill in your details: name, organisation name, email address, password
  • Click on 'Register'
  • A screen with your application number will appear
  • Click on ‘Next Page’ to start filling in the application form.

If you have already registered in a previous year and have a login and password

  • Go to the SmartyGrants login page
  • Enter your email address and password
  • Scroll down to the 'Current Rounds' section at the bottom of the page. Click on Annual Community Strengthening Grants'
  • Click on 'Fill out now'
  • A screen with your application number will appear
  • Click on ‘Next Page’ to start filling in the application form.

Have you registered with SmartyGrants and are ready to start you application?

  • If yes, go to step 9
  • If no, please follow the instructions above to register.

Would you like any help with your application? We have information sessions, one-on-one grant writing help and assistance with applying online. See our website for more information.

Write your application in SmartyGrants

Once you’ve registered and logged in to SmartyGrants, you can start filling in the application form. Do not use Internet Explorer to work in SmartyGrants as it isn't compatible.

It’s a good idea to click on ‘Save Progress’- located in the bar at the top of the screen - as you work your way through the form. You can easily save your work and return to your application at a later time by clicking ‘Save and Close’. 

How to navigate through the application

Either click on ‘Next page’, located in the top right-hand corner, or click on the section you’d like to fill in via the form navigation box on the right-hand side of the screen.

Attaching documents in SmartyGrants

  • Where documents are required, there will be an areas asking you to ‘Please attach all supporting documents’.
  • Click on ‘Choose Files’.
  • Select your document from your computer.
  • Click on ‘attach’.

Have you completed your SmartyGrants application?

  • If yes, go to step 10
  • If no and you need help, please the Community Development Officer (Grants and Partnerships) on 9278 4753 or email [email protected].

Would you like any help with your application? We have information sessions, one-on-one grant writing help and assistance with applying online. See our website for more information.

Submit your application

Once you’ve finished your application in SmartyGrants, go to the 'Review and Submit' section of the application.

Once you've reviewed your application, click on ‘Submit’. If you’d like to print a copy or download your application as a PDF, click on one of these options before clicking on ‘Submit’.

Once it has been submitted, you will receive a conformation email from SmartyGrants that your grant application has been received. If you have not received an email, your application has not been submitted. Log in to SmartyGrants and resubmit your application.

For key dates and more information on the assessment process, visit Grant assessment timelines.

Assessment process 

  1. We undertake an eligibility check based on the conditions of funding, as outlined in step 1.
  2. Applications are assessed against the assessment criteria, as outlined in step 4.
  3. Assessments will be provided to the Community Strengthening Grants Assessment Panel for review. The panel consists of Councillors and Balwyn Rotary Club members.
  4. The Community Strengthening Grants Assessment Panel recommendations are submitted to Council for final endorsement.

Notifying applicants

From late October we will be notifying applicants about the outcome of their grant application. If you have not been notified by November, please call us on (03) 9278 4753.

We wish you all the best with your application. You may exit this guide or go to our Annual Community Strengthening Grants page.