Event details
Looking for fun and affordable activities for the kids these school holidays?
Check out the Kew School Holiday Program between 7 and 17 April, with 18 2-hour sessions available to choose from.
If this sounds like music to your ears, head to the book now link to see what we have available to book your kids into, including:
- Imagination in motion – sensory play
- Junior ballet
- Cartoon chaos
- True Fairies: Spellbound! A Wicked Dance Party
- Hairstyling fun
- Shuffle, step and dance: discover tap and jazz
- Whimsical wax - candle decorating workshop
- Crackle Snapple cookie fun: Easter Edition!
- The art of makeup for beginners
- Musical theatre: sing, dance and performer
- Swiftie squad bracelet party
- A curious Day in Wonderland with True Fairies
- Code and motion: teach a robot to dance
- And more!
Best of all, that's 2-hours for you to grab a coffee, do some shopping, get a pamper and more!
This is a community-run event and not organised or endorsed by Council. No responsibility is taken for incorrect information, changes or cancellations.
Kew Junction Business Association