We developed the Boroondara Disability Access and Inclusion Plan using:
- evaluation
- research and benchmarking
- community and service provider consultation
- workshops with community members and organisations.
We promoted the opportunity to take part in community consultation through disability groups, organisations and networks. We used different accessible communication methods and tools, such as:
- instructional information in plain language, Easy Read and Auslan
- online and printed plain language surveys
- online and printed Easy Read surveys
- the option to provide submissions in a written, audio or video format
- interviews with community members and representatives from organisations
- workshops with people with lived experience of disability
- workshops with people who work in the disability sector.
We also held workshops with the Boroondara Community Disability Advisory Committee to ask for their feedback and advice.

What we heard from the community
We gathered feedback from 350 community members and organisations.
This included:
- hearing from 211 people through the community consultation for the development of this plan
- analysing 139 responses that included references to disability access and inclusion from the community consultation in late 2020 to early 2021 for the renewal of the Boroondara Community Plan.
We used this feedback to create the themes, strategic objectives and actions in the plan. Some feedback the community shared is not within our scope of work or services. However, we still try to advocate to other levels of government or support partnerships between different groups in the community.
Community members and organisations told us they need:
- more accessible spaces, amenities and infrastructure to move safely around Boroondara
- more communication in accessible formats about services, programs and supports
- more inclusive opportunities for recreation, community and social participation
- to be involved in decision-making that impacts their lives
- Council to show leadership in disability access and inclusion and to upskill our staff
- Council to support and encourage disability pride
- Council to play a role in improving community attitudes towards people with disability
- more appropriate and affordable housing
- more employment opportunities.
We also heard there are issues with:
- accessing health services and the NDIS
- funding models for disability organisations
- disability organisations being able to provide supports and services because of volunteer shortages.