We've collected a list of activities and resources in Boroondara that you can enjoy. Contact the group or organisation directly to confirm the activity details.

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Displaying 1 - 10 of 34 results

Balwyn Evergreen Centre

45 Talbot Avenue, Balwyn VIC 3103 Australia

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Our program for older people aim to improve health and wellbeing, strengthen friendship networks and reduce isolation and loneliness. We accept referrals from health professionals, family members or self-referral. Booking is required - please contact us to book. This program is only available to My Aged Care recipients, with preference given to local residents of Balwyn and surrounding suburbs. We can also help you get to the Centre and back home safely, simply ask about our Transport Service, available upon request. Contact us to find out more. Runs weekly on Fridays from 10 am to 3 pm.
Camberwell Community Centre

33-35 Fairholm Grove, Camberwell VIC 3124 Australia

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Ελληνική Λέσχη Ηλικιωμένων Boroondara Camberwell: Συναντιόμαστε εβδομαδιαία για μεσημεριανό γεύμα και για να γιορτάσουμε κοινωνικές και πολιτιστικές εκδηλώσεις. Διοργανώνουμε επίσης ομιλίες με προσκεκλημένους ομιλητές κι εκδρομές με λεωφορεία. We meet weekly for lunch and to celebrate social and cultural events. Cost: $5 per week, must be a member to attend ($15 annual membership). We also organise guest speakers and bus trips. Runs on Wednesdays from 10 am to 2 pm.
Balwyn Evergreen Centre

45 Talbot Avenue, Balwyn VIC 3103 Australia

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Our Evergreen Ramblers Program takes you on a tour around Melbourne's outer metropolitan area every Tuesday from 10 am to 3 pm. Discover or revisit lovely suburbs and townships, stopping to enjoy lunch together at a selection of restaurants, hotels or taverns that we've hand-picked for you. Transport is arranged in our iconic minibus, with pick up and drop off at your doorstep, so you need to do is get comfortable and enjoy the ride. Cost: $27 (Commonwealth Home Support Programme assessed and approved) or $35 (non-assessed). Please note: lunch is an additional cost.
Kew Library

Corner Cotham Road and Civic Drive, Kew VIC 3101 Australia

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Κέντρο Ελλήνων Βετεράνων Λέσχη Ηλικιωμένων του Kew & Districts Inc: Συγκεντρώνονται ελληνόφωνες ηλικιωμένοι για να γιορτάσουν εκδηλώσεις όπως το Πάσχα και τα Χριστούγεννα, πάνε σε ημερήσιες εκδρομές, παίζουν χαρτιά, ντόμινο, τάβλι, μπίνγκο, πινγκ-πονγκ. Τέσσερις φορές το μήνα οργανώνονται μεσημεριανά γεύματα. Greek speaking seniors get together to celebrate events like Easter and Christmas, go on day trips, play cards, dominos, backgammon, bingo, table tennis. Cost: $5 per year for membership, and $5 per session. Runs on Fridays from 8 am to 1 pm.

Upcoming Seniors Festival events

The Victorian Seniors Festival runs in October each year – join us for the free film screenings and many more events taking place in Boroondara this year.
Four older people at the movies, some holding popcorn and others seated
Balwyn Evergreen Centre

45 Talbot Avenue, Balwyn VIC 3103 Australia

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Join our standing and seated exercises to reduce risk of falls by improving balance and strength. Our personal trainers are here to guide you and make sure you make the most of your Exercise program. Have a confidential assessment with our qualified staff to discuss your goals so we can assist you in finding what will best fit you. After the effort comes comfort. Each exercise class is followed by a cuppa and a chat with our lovely instructors. Note: your first exercise session at Balwyn Evergreen Centre is free. We can also help you get to your class and back home safely; simply ask about our Transport Service, available upon request. Runs on Tuesdays from 9:30 am to 10:30 am. Cost: Prices vary, please contact us for details.
Kew Seniors Centre

533 High Street, Kew VIC 3101 Australia

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Circolo Pensionati Italiani Club hosted on Tuesday’s at Kew Seniors Centre and Thursday’s at Camberwell Community Centre. Weekly activities include afternoon tea with tombola and cards. Monthly lunches and outings. Runs on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:30 pm to 4 pm. Cost: $25 per year.
Alamein Neighbourhood and Learning Centre

49 Ashburn Grove, Ashburton VIC 3147 Australia

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We currently provide 2 services via the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP). A shopping bus to local shopping centres (Forest Hills Chase, Burwood One and Waverley Gardens) on a Monday morning on a weekly rotating basis. Social activities on a Wednesday morning, which may include a meal at a local cafe, an in-house movie, gentle exercises or games activities at Alamein Neighbourhood and Learning. In both cases, eligible participants are picked up by our bus at your door from 10 am onwards and returned home by about 1:30 pm. There is a small charge, currently $5, for using this service. To participate, you must be over 65 years of age, registered with My Aged Care, a Boroondara resident, and be able to independently board our bus. Please contact My Aged Care directly on 1800 200 422 to register and or request an assessment and referral to our services. If you have any general questions, you can contact us for details.
Balwyn Evergreen Centre

45 Talbot Avenue, Balwyn VIC 3103 Australia

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Join our weekly lunches and connect with new and old friends in our welcoming community where you can forge long-lasting bonds and enjoy a sense of belonging. Our delicious 3-course lunches are a tradition dating back to the centre’s beginnings in 1958 and are followed by a concert and afternoon tea. Runs on Wednesdays from 12 pm (noon) to 3 pm. Cost: from $19 per person, contact our centre for details. Door-to-door transport available upon request.

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