We've collected a list of activities and resources in Boroondara that you can enjoy. Contact the group or organisation directly to confirm the activity details.

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Displaying 121 - 130 of 403 results

Kew Seniors Centre

533 High Street, Kew VIC 3101 Australia

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We provide opportunities for older people to participate in group activities to enhance well-being and foster connections, Mah-jong, Line Dancing, Traditional Folk Dancing, Choir, Karaoke, Creative Painting, Table Tennis, and Ballroom (Sequence) Dancing. We aim to encourage our members to be socially active, lead healthy lives, and promote independence. We are holding activities on Monday and Wednesday 9:30 am to 5 pm, and Friday 7 pm to 10 pm (exclude public holidays). Cost: $20 annual membership fee.

我們提供給廣大的中老年健康活動 項麻將 排舞 民族舞 合唱團 卡拉OK 創意水彩畫 桌球 及 澳洲舞等各種活動 包括四個傳統中國節慶的慶祝活動 戶外旅遊等. 歡迎住在 Boroondara 區域的居民前來報名加入會員 活動時間: 每周一三 : 9:30 - 17:00 每周五晚上: 19:00-22:00 (公定假日不開放).

Upcoming Seniors Festival events

The Victorian Seniors Festival runs in October each year – join us for the free film screenings and many more events taking place in Boroondara this year.
Four older people at the movies, some holding popcorn and others seated

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