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We manage the application process for most kindergartens in the City of Boroondara

You must register online for kindergarten. One of the questions the online form asks is, ‘What year are you registering for?’ 

  • If you are registering for this year, you will be directed to complete a Registration.
  • If you are registering for next year: 
    • you will be directed to complete a Registration between 1 May and 30 June, or
    • if registrations aren’t open yet you'll be directed to complete an Expression of interest, and on 1 May we’ll email you a registration to complete.
  • If you are registering 2 or more years before your child will attend kindergarten, you will be directed to complete an Expression of interest. 

Express interest

We encourage families to express interest in attending kindergarten from birth. This enables you to receive important updates from us, including information about when to register and attend open days. 

To express interest, select a year at least 2 years from today in response to the question 'What year would you like your child to commence kindergarten?'

Express interest


Register your child for kindergarten:

  • any time, to attend kindergarten this year
  • between 1 May and 30 June to attend next year.  If you’ve already expressed interest, you don’t need to do anything further – we’ll email you a link to register on 1 May.


Registrations to attend next year will open on 1 May.

The date you register does not affect how we allocate places, as long as it’s done by 30 June in the year before your child attends. If you register after 30 June, we can’t guarantee that your application will be included in the first round of offers.

Choose your preferred kindergarten

When you register, you should nominate up to 3 preferences. This gives you the best chance to be allocated a place. 

You must give preferences for both the kindergarten and the sessions you want to attend.

If there are not enough spaces at your preferred kindergarten session, we'll try to allocate your child to one of your other nominated sessions.  

For help choosing a kindergarten:

  • use our searchable Find a kindergarten map to find kindergartens in Boroondara
  • find individual kindergartens' session times, fees, facilities and contact details on our Member kindergartens page
  • arrange a time to visit the kindergarten during the year, or attend an open day in May. Find open day timetables on our How to choose page.

Accept a kindergarten offer

In late July we will start to offer kindergarten places. You’ll have 7 days to accept or decline an offer. 

If you accept the offer, we’ll notify the kindergarten and they will contact you to enrol your child.

If there are more registrations than places for your preferred kindergarten session, you’ll be added to a waitlist. 

Late registrations

If you register for next year after 30 June and your preferred kindergarten session has a vacancy, we may be able to offer you a place. If not, you will be placed on a wait list.

Change your preferences

If you want to change your kindergarten preferences, you must do this by 30 June in the year before your child is due to start. 

Late changes may move your child’s application to a wait list. 

Contact us at [email protected] or on (03) 9278 4444 to change your preferences.

Apply for special consideration

If your family is experiencing circumstances like disability or illness, you can apply for special consideration. This may give your registration higher priority. 

You must provide supporting documents from a medical practitioner, health care worker or specialist.

If you've already registered for a kindergarten place and would like to apply for special consideration, please call us on (03) 9278 4444.

Applications for special consideration are assessed by officers in our Health and Wellbeing Services team.

Find more information on the Victorian Government's page on Help for children with additional needs at kindergarten.

More information

To find out how we allocate places, visit our How kindergarten places are allocated page.

For information or assistance, contact us:

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