Event day, venue inspection and bond refund 

When do these activities occur?
In the event lead-up, on the day and 4 weeks afterward.

Event lead-up

In the 2 weeks leading up to the event, remember to deliver copies of your approved notification to nearby residents and businesses, giving them the opportunity to attend, or avoid, the event.

Day of the event

On the day of the event, ensure that staff members and volunteers:

  • manage waste responsibly
  • know what to do in case of an emergency
  • comply with food and beverage responsibilities
  • adhere to any conditions set out in permits related to the event.
Guests enjoying music at a local park

Post-event venue inspection and bond refund

After the event ends, Council will inspect the event area to ensure the park, garden or sportsground is left in the same way it was prior to the event.

  • If the site is clean and undamaged, your event bond will be refunded.
  • Where there is waste or damage, we may need to retain funds to cover cleanup or repairs.

If you paid a key bond, this is refunded when you return the key.

We wish you a successful event.

You can exit the guide

Clean park

If the venue is clean and undamaged, we will return the full value of your bond.