Some of our services are closed or have different hours for the public holiday on Monday 27 January.

Scam letter in Boroondara

It has come to our attention there is a scam letter currently circulating from an unknown party pretending to be a City of Boroondara staff member. This letter claims to be collecting information on behalf of Council.

If you receive this letter, please do not make contact with the person listed. They are not associated with Council in any way and this data collection exercise is not legitimate.

Ways to protect your information

Unfortunately, the danger from scammers is on the rise and their attempts to access your information are becoming more sophisticated. We want to take this opportunity to remind you to stay vigilant with your information and always think twice before sharing anything.

We have put together some guidance on what you can look out for when receiving any communication from us.

Letters from Council

  • We will always use the official City of Boroondara letterhead.
  • We will always use a Boroondara email address ([email protected]).
  • We will never ask you to respond to a private email address.
  • We will include a reference to your property or matter if we are requesting information from you or for you to take any action.
  • Poor grammar and spelling errors as well as unfamiliar tone, is often an indication of a scam.

Suspicious emails

Look out for:

  • suspicious attachments
  • messages with hyperlinks
  • an unfamiliar tone or greeting from the sender
  • grammar and spelling errors
  • inconsistencies in email addresses or domain names
  • prompts to install software or download a file
  • a reply or response to a conversation you didn’t start
  • requests for credentials, personal info or payment details.

If you're unsure whether communication or contact from Council is legitimate, you can contact our Customer Connect team. They can check to make sure the communication is from us before you take any action.

Please note: Sometimes we use third-party providers to conduct research for us. We will always share this information on our website to help you to know if a survey from us is legitimate.