Some of our services are closed or have different hours for the public holiday on Monday 10 March.

We are proud to be partnering with 13 Councils across Victoria to roll out a reusable nappy program for parents and carers called ‘The Nappy Project’.

The program offers resources and guides for parents and carers to learn more about reusable nappies and explore more sustainable options through: 

  • hands-on education workshops
  • free reusable nappy starter packs (please check eligibility) 
  • information across our childcare and Maternal Child Health centres for families to take home and learn more.

Why we’re doing it

Disposable nappies make up around 6% of household waste in Boroondara. Each nappy can take up to 150 years to break down in landfill.

In 2022, we collaborated with 12 Councils on the Reusable Nappy Feasibility Study to find ways to reduce this waste and develop a reusable nappy program.
As part of the study, we asked parents and carers about the current behaviours and the barriers they may face when using reusable nappies. Through the results, we heard how challenging it is for time-poor parents and carers to research alternatives to disposable nappies.

The Nappy Project has been designed based on feedback from the survey and allows households to easily access information about reusable nappies. It also aims to help parents and carers make sustainable choices that work best for them. You can find ongoing support and resources about reusable nappies on The Nappy Project website.

Read more about the survey and results on our Engage Boroondara website.

Benefits to reusable nappies

Reusable nappies are a great lifestyle option for parents and carers as they can be reused overtime and are easy to change and maintain. They are also:   

  • cheaper in the long run — you can save thousands of dollars over the period your child is in nappies (even after you include new costs for laundry detergent and washing).
  • better for the environment — disposable nappies take hundreds of years to decompose and can be a biohazard in landfill. 
  • healthier to use — reusable nappies are free from chemicals and fragrances found in disposable nappies that can irritate a baby's delicate skin.
  • coming in more varieties — reusable nappies have transformed over the years. They now come in several styles and designs, allowing you to choose the best option for your baby's comfort and your own convenience. 
  • better value — some reusable nappies can be easily adjusted to fit babies of different sizes and will grow with your child.

Upcoming events

If you’re one of the growing number of parents or carers considering the cost, comfort and environmental benefits of reusable nappies, we invite you to join us at our hands-on workshops through The Nappy Project program.

These workshops will cover:

  • the different types of reusable nappies available and how to choose one that works best for you and your baby
  • how to get the right fit, and how to adjust resizable nappies through the different stages of your baby's growth
  • how to store, wash and dry used nappies — both at home and when you’re out and about
  • the health, cost and sustainable benefits of reusable nappies.

Registrations are essential. Eligible attendees will receive a free reusable nappy pack to keep and help you get started at home.

This project is supported by the Circular Economy Councils Fund. The Fund is delivered by Sustainability Victoria under the Victorian Government’s circular economy policy, ‘Recycling Victoria: a new economy’.