We are refreshing the Boroondara Disability Action Plan and invite your feedback.
We are committed to making the City of Boroondara an inclusive and accessible place for people with disability.
The Boroondara Disability Action Plan 2018-22 guides Council’s actions to ensure people with a disability can participate in all aspects of community life.
We are reviewing and refreshing our Disability Action Plan to make sure it meets the current needs of our community and identifies opportunities to improve inclusion and access for everyone.
We want to hear from you to help refresh the Boroondara Disability Action Plan, particularly if you have a disability yourself, care for a person with a disability, are a friend or family member of a person with disability or work for an organisation supporting or advocating for people with disability.
Your feedback will help us identify actions and priorities for the next 4 years so that we deliver what is important to you.
Have your say
You can submit your feedback via our survey. An Easy Read version is also available on our website.
If you can't complete the survey, you can upload a written, video or audio recorded response.
You can also request a survey on paper via the contact details below.
Community consultation is open until 1 July. For more details visit Engage Boroondara.
More information
For more information or assistance, please contact Cassandra Chatwin-Smith, Social Inclusion and Project Officer, at [email protected] or call (03) 9278 4526.
For speech or hearing impaired, contact the National Relay Service:
- TTY 13 36 77
- Speak and Listen 1300 555 727.