Some of our services are closed or have different hours over the Christmas and New Year period.

Civic leadership and governance

Our community told us they value:

Being listened and responded to.

Our community said: 

We value strong and trustworthy leadership and decisions that ensure rates are spent efficiently and on things that are in the best interests of the community.

Strategic Objective 7: Ensure that ethical, financial and socially responsible decision making reflects community needs and are based on principles of accountability, transparency, responsiveness and consultation. 

Our strategies to achieve this objective

  • Strategy 7.1 - Improve advocacy efforts, including building relationships with Federal and State elected representatives.
  • Strategy 7.2 - Ensure transparent decision-making through open governance processes.
  • Strategy 7.3 - Implement a multi-channel communication and engagement strategy to increase awareness of Council facilities and services available in Boroondara.
  • Strategy 7.4 - Provide enhanced online services to our community, placing the customer at the centre of everything we do with a focus on making Council more efficient and effective.
  • Strategy 7.5 - Ensure sound financial management while allocating resources to deliver strategic infrastructure and services that meet community needs.
  • Strategy 7.6 - Engage the community in a review of the Boroondara Community Plan in 2021 to ensure Council services and facilities continue to meet community needs.

Evaluation measures

We'll use the following high level indicators and data to assess our progress towards achieving Strategic Objective 7. Detailed indicators will be published in the adjusted Council Plan 2017-21 and reported against in the Annual Report.

Indicators Data source
Outcome: Satisfaction with civic leadership and governance Annual Community Satisfaction Survey
Output: Range of indicators to assess the progress of access, appropriateness, quality and cost of civic leadership and governance

Local Government Performance Reporting Framework measures

Operational indicators

Outcome indicators: Assess the overall impact and achievement of strategic objectives.

Output indicators: Measure specific activities.

Download the full Boroondara Community Plan 2017-27 - designed PDFBoroondara Community Plan 2017-27 - text format or Boroondara Community Plan 2017-27 - PDF of text version.