Our health priorities
We are committed to striving to enhance wellbeing for people who live, work, study or recreate in the municipality as an outcome of everything we do.
We will focus on providing a high quality of liveability through our planning, services, places and spaces to enable all members of the community to make healthy choices.
This commitment implies a focus on equity – fair and even access to resources – so community members of all ages, genders, backgrounds, locations and abilities have the same opportunities to achieve good health and wellbeing.
When developing the Boroondara Community Plan, we examined data indicative of the health and wellbeing status of the Boroondara community.
Overall, we discovered that the Boroondara community reports good health and quality of life.
However, the data does reveal areas of concern that require additional attention over the first four years of the Boroondara Community Plan.
In particular, the following health and wellbeing priorities emerged:
- promoting mental health and social connection
- preventing injury and violence
- reducing harmful alcohol use
- promoting healthier eating
- promoting active living.
These health priorities represent the most significant preventable causes of poor health and wellbeing in Boroondara, as well as those areas where we can work with local health and community organisation partners to make changes that influence the health outcomes of the community.
The health priorities are linked to the seven priority themes of the plan with its focus on a healthy, liveable city.
These priorities are also based on the Victorian Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2015-19. Our focus on these areas will contribute to improved health and wellbeing for Victorians.
Detailed information on Boroondara’s population and health is available on our social statistics pages.
To learn more about our health priorities, partnerships and the data that drives them, download the full Boroondara Community Plan 2017-27 - designed PDF, Boroondara Community Plan 2017-27 - text format or Boroondara Community Plan 2017-27 - PDF of text version.