Strong and engaged communities

Strategic objectives

  • Our community has a say in matters of interest to them in achieving Boroondara’s vision.
  • Community needs are identified and responses planned accordingly.
  • Opportunities are provided to enable people in our community to be supported and involved.

Key figures

  • $21.9 million net operating cost
  • 87 groups received Council community grants
  • 2.3 million library items borrowed


Boroondara Community Plan

The Boroondara Community Plan 2017-27 sets the long-term strategic directions for Council and informs the Council Plan, including the Strategic Resource Plan, annual commitments and strategic indicators, the Municipal Strategic Statement, and Council strategies, plans, policies and actions.

The Boroondara Community Plan was adopted by Council on 11 December 2017 and officially launched to the community on Sunday 4 March 2018 at the Boroondara Village Festival. In 2017-18 Council produced the revised 2018-19 Budget and revised Council Plan 2017-21, aligning these to the structure of the Boroondara Community Plan. Refer page 18 for further information on the Boroondara Community Plan 2017-27. 

Access to Civic Art Collection

Opportunities to enhance access to the Town Hall Gallery Collection by the community have continued throughout the year. The renewed information architecture of the Boroondara Arts website has improved visibility and access to the Collection information.

This project resulted from benchmarking of museum and art collection databases, and provides for an enriched customer experience as well as strong governance of Council's art collection. The Town Hall Gallery presented 19 exhibitions during the year attracting more than 7,000 visitors.

Summary of other achievements 

  • Continued to work with residents and community groups on several advocacy campaigns during the year, including the North East Link, the Markham Estate redevelopment in Ashburton and the Bill Street public housing redevelopment in Hawthorn.
  • Officially opened the Hawthorn University of the Third Age (Hawthorn U3A), delivering a multipurpose facility dedicated to the ethos of lifelong learning.
  • Hosted a community safety forum in October 2017 to celebrate Community Safety month.
  • Held the Inaugural Dance Affair: a cultural development project which engaged eight community organisations.


  • Responding to the Australian Government Aged Care and Disability Services Reforms. Council officers continue to monitor and respond to the changes being introduced by the Australian Government in the Aged Care and Disability Services sector.
  • The evolving Australian retail environment, particularly with regard to the growth of the online retail sector continues to place significant pressure on Boroondara’s shopping centres.