Some of our services are closed or have different hours for the public holiday on Monday 27 January.

Findings from consultations with key stakeholders in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander sector

We identified 14 topics from the consultations with key stakeholders from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander sector.

These topics capture:

  • the priorities important to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders
  • ideas for how Council can progress reconciliation locally.

These findings helped us develop the vision, themes, strategic objectives and actions in this Strategy.

Topic 1 – Improve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural awareness in Council and in the community

One suggestion to progress this work included providing cultural awareness training and activities for staff, councillors and the wider community.

Topic 2 – Acknowledge and/or celebrate important dates

These dates could include:

  • NAIDOC Week
  • National Reconciliation Week
  • National Sorry Day
  • Aboriginal Children’s Day.

We received suggestions to support cultural immersion events and activities such as:

  • storytelling sessions
  • book readings
  • yarning circles with the local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
  • celebrations of the Stolen Generations' resilience and achievements through art, film and guest speakers at community events
  • make sure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders and peoples are invited to lead, plan, take part and attend.

Topic 3 – Acknowledge Traditional Owners, the Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation, in Council and across the community

We received suggestions to find more ways to respectfully and appropriately acknowledge the Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation (WWCHAC). This can help the community to build connections to places and spaces.

For example:

  • use Aboriginal language to name places and spaces in the community
  • make signs and plaques to acknowledge the Traditional Owners
  • fly the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags
  • include written Acknowledgements of Traditional Owners in Council’s print and digital communications.

Topic 4 – Develop a better understanding of the local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities in Boroondara

This will help make sure that Council services and programs are delivered in a culturally safe way that is:

  • responsive
  • targeted
  • welcoming
  • respectful.

Suggestions included developing a profile of the local Boroondara Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. The profile would have more information than the ABS Census data.

For example, we would collect information about:

  • Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations and businesses
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples working within the City of Boroondara.

Topic 5 – Acknowledge and celebrate local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stories, histories, cultures and peoples

Acknowledge and celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stories, histories, cultures and peoples all year round and not just on important dates.

Suggestions included:

  • providing spaces in the community that include reflections of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and histories. These spaces could do this through visual arts or reflective landscaping
  • inviting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander guest speakers from different backgrounds to speak at Council events during the year
  • talking with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the community about truth-telling.

Topic 6 – Strengthen relationships and collaborate with the Traditional Owners, the WWCHAC

Suggestions for ways to continue building a strong working relationship with the WWCHAC included:

  • meeting regularly
  • formalising the way we work together.

Topic 7 – Create and strengthen relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders and peoples. Find more opportunities for collaboration

Reconciliation actions should focus on respectful and genuine two-way relationships. Developing these relationships can take time as strong relationships are built on trust and respect.

Actively engaging Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and stakeholders in the development of the Boroondara Reconciliation Strategy was highlighted as important.

Suggestions to improve Council’s engagement and communication about the delivery of the Strategy included:

  • keeping Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples updated on Council’s reconciliation progress
  • updating Council’s reconciliation progress on our website
  • inviting Aboriginal Community Controlled organisations to take part in local Council events and activities during the year.

Topic 8 – Participate in developing and delivering culturally safe spaces and places for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the Inner East

Culturally safe meeting places are important to:

  • practice cultures
  • celebrate community achievements
  • promote and support cultural connections to land, waterways and each other.

We received suggestions to:

  • deliver programs and activities at the Mullum Mullum Indigenous Gathering Place’s possible new Inner East Aboriginal Community Hub
  • promote important Aboriginal sites in Boroondara with approval from WWCHAC.

Topic 9 – Find opportunities for collaboration with local community groups, community services and schools to progress reconciliation actions

This could include:

  • cultural awareness training
  • capacity building workshops
  • supporting networking and collaboration for:
    • community groups
    • organisations
    • educational providers
    • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

Topic 10 – Create a governance structure to oversee implementation of the Strategy and make sure the voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are heard

The voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities should be heard every step of the way. This includes understanding how self-determination will drive action.

Suggestions included:

  • developing a process for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to give feedback to Council
  • having small yarning sessions with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders to build strong relationships
  • supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to have a say on other committees and working groups in Council.

Topic 11 – Promote and support buying goods and services from Victorian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses

This will help to improve:

  • Aboriginal employment
  • participation of Aboriginal businesses in the economy.

Suggestions included promoting the strengths and successes of local Aboriginal businesses and entrepreneurs.

Topic 12 – Promote and support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment within Council. Make sure the organisation is culturally welcoming

Support the employment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff within Council. Suggestions included developing a workforce strategy for Council.

Topic 13 – Contribute and support state-wide advocacy efforts with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders. These efforts will focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health inequality and rights

Keep up-to-date data about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

This includes:

  • economic data
  • physical and mental health data
  • environmental data
  • issues happening in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

This will help Council to advocate in consultation with WWCHAC and other local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders.

Topic 14 – Improve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ accessibility to Council’s services, programs and activities

Improving accessibility will help make sure Council’s services, programs and activities:

  • are inclusive
  • support the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.