Some of our services are closed or have different hours for the public holiday on Monday 27 January.

Theme 6: Local economy

What our community said 

We value our shopping strips, including places where we can shop, socialise and dine out close to home. We strive to support locally owned businesses and want to attract more diverse businesses to our neighbourhoods. This will allow us to live locally and contribute to a thriving local economy.

Our Strategic Objective

Support local businesses and enhance shopping precincts, fostering a strong economy and welcoming places for the community.    

How we will achieve our Strategic Objective

Strategy 6.1. Local retail precincts provide a gathering point for residents and attract shoppers through supporting initiatives which encourage a range of businesses needed by the community.  

Strategy 6.2. Local traders and businesses are supported by providing training and upskilling initiatives to maintain and increase viable businesses. 

Strategy 6.3. Shopping centres and strips are hubs of community activity through activating local shopping precincts. 

Strategy 6.4. Shopping centres are clean, well-maintained and inviting, through revitalising infrastructure and streetscapes and proactive renewal and maintenance.

Strategy 6.5. Local visitation is increased through showcasing and promoting local shopping and attractions. 

How we will measure our success

We will measure the:

  • participants’ satisfaction in our business training activities
  • satisfaction with work to improve quality of streetscapes in shopping precincts to attract and retain good shops and businesses
  • number of permits for outdoor trading
  • number of proactive strip shopping centre maintenance inspections completed.

Our services 

There are many services we provide to our community to support our Strategic Objective for Theme 6.

These include services in:  

  • Local Economies
  • Minor Shopping Centre Upgrade and Maintenance.

Read a full list of the services we provide in each of these areas