Some of our services are closed or have different hours for the public holiday on Monday 27 January.

Theme 1: Community, services and facilities

What our community said 

We value safe and clean public places. We value facilities and events where people of all ages and backgrounds can interact, learn and be active. We value health and wellbeing services for all community members, especially those in need. These contribute to our sense of connection and the harmony we value across the whole community.

Our Strategic Objective 

Community services and facilities are high quality, sustainable, inclusive and strengthen resilience.

How we will achieve our Strategic Objective

Strategy 1.1. Neighbourhoods and community spaces facilitate social connections and belonging by providing, maintaining and activating places for people to meet, organise activities and celebrate events. 

Strategy 1.2. Health and wellbeing is improved through delivering, facilitating and advocating for services and programs that are accessible and affordable. 

Strategy 1.3. Arts and culture are showcased by increasing opportunities to participate in artistic and cultural programming.

Strategy 1.4. Facilities and sports precincts encourage equal access through social planning, delivery, asset maintenance and renewal activities.

Strategy 1.5. Life-long learning is supported by delivering and working with our community and partners to meet the broad range of interests within the community.

Strategy 1.6. Residents and visitors feel safe in public spaces through encouraging local activity and creating and maintaining civic areas. 

Strategy 1.7. Community resilience, safety and public health are improved by working in partnership with community and government organisations.

How we will measure our success

We will measure the:

  • audience satisfaction with Boroondara Arts programs and events
  • community satisfaction with our recreational facilities
  • number of community groups using council facilities directly under a lease or license agreement
  • food safety assessments (the percentage of registered class 1 food premises and class 2 food premises receiving an annual food safety assessment)
  • number of people taking part in active ageing programs and events
  • number of attendances by young people at youth programs or services
  • number of vaccinations given
  • number of arts and cultural community events we deliver or support 
  • number of community organisations funded through the Community Strengthening Grant Program
  • percentage of community strengthening grants provided to culturally and linguistically diverse groups and disability groups 
  • percentage of graffiti removed from Council owned assets within one business day of being notified
  • overall participation in library services, including loans, participation in programs and enquiries.

Our services

There are many services we provide to our community to support our Strategic Objective for Theme 1.

These include services in:

  • Arts and Culture
  • Asset Management
  • Capital Projects
  • Civic Services
  • Community Planning and Development 
  • Health and Wellbeing 
  • Infrastructure Maintenance
  • Library Services
  • Liveable Communities. 

Read a full list of the services we provide in each of these areas