Some of our services are closed or have different hours for the public holiday on Monday 27 January.

Key investments for 2022–23

Our 2022–23 Budget focuses on investing in some important projects.

Investments we are finishing 

These include:

  • The Canterbury Community Precinct. We are restoring and redeveloping the existing buildings in Canterbury Gardens and expect the new community precinct to be open in early 2023. 
  • The placemaking project for Maling Road in Canterbury. We have made significant progress to upgrade the laneway connecting Canterbury Station to the shopping strip. We are also planning to fund smaller arts and culture events and experiences in the shopping strip.

Investments into major projects

We have some major projects in development during 2022–23 that we expect to be completed over the next few years. 

Some of these include:

  • $73.1 million over 4 years for the Kew Recreation Centre redevelopment. We expect this project to be finished by the middle of 2023.
  • $17.2 million over 4 years for the Tuck Stand refurbishment. We expect this project to be finished in the 2024-25 financial year. 
  • $17.0 million over 4 years for the Library Redevelopment in Kew. We expect this project to be finished in the 2025-26 financial year. 

Investments into sustainability

We are investing $4.26 million in a range of environmental initiatives, including:

  • $2.0 million to deliver a minimum 5-star Green Star equivalent standard for all new buildings and appropriate modifications.
  • $1.0 million to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, including LED lighting and heating and cooling upgrades.
  • $675,000 to support our ongoing park and street tree renewal program.
  • $279,100 to improve and maintain urban biodiversity across the community. We will do this through programs like our Backyard Biodiversity project and Wildlife not Weeds program. We will also extend the areas of Boroondara that we manage for their significant biodiversity values.

Investments into sporting pavilions

We will upgrade our sporting pavilions to make sure they are accessible for everyone in our community. This includes:

  • $1.3 million for Willsmere Park Pavilion 
  • $1.3 million for Greythorn Park Pavilion
  • $2.2 million for Lewin Reserve Pavilion.

Investments into infrastructure

We will invest:

  • $4.2 million for drainage renewal
  • $2.1 million for footpath and cycleway renewal
  • $12.6 million for road renewal
  • $12.5 million for 13 other community building renewal works and minor works across many other properties we manage.

Investments into services 

We will invest:

  • $9.8 million to provide library services 7 days a week
  • $9.2 million on health and wellbeing services, including immunisation, youth and recreation services
  • $20.4 million for parks and gardens, biodiversity and street trees maintenance
  • $3.5 million on arts and cultural services and events
  • $12.3 million for planning, development and building controls
  • $11.2 million for maintenance of the city’s infrastructure, including buildings, drainage, footpaths, roads and shopping centres.

Investments into open space

We understand there is limited open space in our community for recreation. We will invest $800,000 each year into our Open Space Acquisition Fund, which allows us to purchase additional open space when there is an opportunity.