We are updating our online systems from 7 pm Friday 20 September to 7 am Saturday 21 September 2024. This will affect our eForms, payment platforms and associated online services. We apologise for any inconvenience.

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Our research collection

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Australia/New Zealand Reference Centre Plus on EBSCOHost

A multidisciplinary research database with the largest full-text collection of leading regional and international periodicals, reference e-books, biographies, news content and images. 

Sign up to ANZ Reference Centre Plus

Search for 'Boroondara Library Service' in the app, or choose 'Sign in' on the website. Then sign in using your:

  • 14-digit membership number (under the barcode on your library card)
  • PIN number or password.
Logo for EBSCOhost

Britannica Library

Encyclopedia Britannica provides trusted reference information on a wealth of subjects targeted at different reading levels.

Sign up or log in at the Boroondara Library Britannica log-in page using your library membership number and PIN.

Logo for Britannica Library

Newspapers and magazines

Read a range of online newspapers and magazines for free with your library membership.

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