Organise an event on Council land

This guide helps organisers to plan large events that involve more than 100 people that take place on Council land.

For information on what permits and permissions you might need for casual bookings, see our Outdoor event requirements page.  

For weddings, see our Weddings in our gardens page. 

Council land includes parks, gardens, sportsgrounds, footpaths, roads and carparks.

Timeline: Allow at least 12 weeks to organise a major event on Council land in Boroondara. 

Does my event need Council approval?

You must submit a booking request if your event includes any of the following:


  • There will be 50 or more people (adults and children).
  • You are using a space on behalf of a group, organisation or business.
  • You need to hire a third-party vendor for things like children’s entertainment or food sales.
  • You are bringing infrastructure such as temporary structures or equipment.
  • The event is a wedding ceremony.
  • You need vehicle access to an open space area.
  • You plan to close a road or footpath.
  • There will be market stalls or style of event.
  • You plan to charge an entry fee.

If any of these items apply to your event, use this guide to help you through the booking and approval process.

If none of these items apply, you can hold your event without further permission from Council.

Contact us for support with your event

Call our customer service team on (03) 9278 4444 or email [email protected].

Book a space - We have a large and diverse range of bookable spaces. From every size of hall to gorgeous gardens, you're sure to find something perfect for your event.

Start by exploring our available bookable spaces.

At least 12 weeks before your event.

Book a park, garden, hall or sportsground

You can explore our various bookable spaces on the Book a space page. 

When you're ready, you can make a booking request via our Parks Manager booking system

Information to include in your request

  • date and time
  • location
  • number of guests
  • purpose of your event 

Once submitted, we'll respond to confirm and let you know if we need more information from you.

Central Gardens

Finished exploring our bookable spaces?

Go to Step 2.

Prepare an event plan, if requested

After reviewing your booking request, we may ask for an event plan.

At least 12 weeks before the event.

Event plans

An event plan provides:

  • an overview of the event
  • lists all the items that need consideration
  • lists the actions you need to take to deliver each item.

When an event plan is required

Event plans are required for all events with 100 or more guests.

For events with under 100 guests, you may be asked to provide a event plan based on the type of event you are planning. 

The size, scope and complexity of the event determines the level of detail you need to include in your event plan.

Running schedules

Event plans must include a running schedule that shows:

  • the event start and finish times
  • arrival (bump-in) and departure (bump-out) times and details of equipment
  • vehicle access arrangements (as authorised by Council)
  • the order and timing of activities such as speeches or performances
  • arrival and departure times for VIPs, related security plans and backstage details
  • the name and contact details of the host or master of ceremonies.

Send the schedule to your team and any contractors before the day of the event.

Example of an event running schedule
Time Activity/Action Responsible Company
8:00 am Bump-in commences Event Manager Event Organiser
8:30 am Marquee delivery Site Manager Marquee Company
9:30 am Portaloo delivery Site Manager Portaloo Hire Company

Have you been asked to prepare an event plan?

  • If yes, download the event plan template (153KB) and add your running schedule. Then go to Step 3 to see what else to include in your event plan.
  • If no, go to Step 9 to read what other items you may need to submit to Council.

Check if your event includes temporary structures

At least 2 months before the event.

Your event plan must include:

  • details of temporary structures such as marquees, amusement rides, inflatable structures, generators, food vans, stages, seating or cool rooms
  • evidence that you have applied for any approvals or permits needed for the temporary structure.

Temporary structures must be weighted down with sandbags or water weights.

We don't allow structures to be pegged or staked in the ground as this may damage our underground irrigation systems.

Marquees at an event

Example of weighted-down marquees

Permits for temporary structures

The following prescribed temporary structures require approval from the Victorian Building Authority:

  • a stage or platform exceeding 150sqm
  • a tent, marquee or booth with a floor area greater than 100sqm
  • a seating stand that accommodates more than 20 people
  • a prefabricated building with a floor area exceeding 100sqm.

If you intend to erect any of these items, complete the Application for Siting of Prescribed Temporary Structure.

A permit fee applies. Allow 10 weeks for processing.

For queries, contact the Sport and Events Team on 9278 4595

Approval for larger marquees

We allow one 3m by 3m shade structure to be erected at no cost. Additional marquees or a marquee bigger than 9 square metres require Council approval.

View marquee sizes and fees

For approval for additional or larger marquees, email [email protected].

Will you be erecting temporary structures at your event?

Plan for appropriate sound levels and toilet facilities

At least 8 weeks before the event

Sound levels

Your event plan must include details of the type of sound equipment you plan to use. 

Live acoustic music is allowed in our parks, gardens and sportsgrounds; however, some venues do not allow amplified music or a public address (PA) system.

The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has restrictions around noise from indoor and outdoor venues.

Refer to the EPA Victoria website for more information about how to minimise the impact of noise to the community.

Musician playing acoustic music

Toilet facilities

It is the event organiser’s responsibility to ensure that adequate toilet facilities are in place.

The number of toilets required depend on:

  • crowd numbers
  • event duration
  • guest gender
  • the service of alcohol.

You should also consider facilities required by children, the elderly and people with a disability.

You may require portable toilets to ensure that adequate facilities are available. Portable toilets are considered temporary structures. See the Marquees, temporary structures and equipment page for further details. 

Use the following guidelines to determine the number of toilets required at your event.

Events without alcohol

Number of guests

Toilets for men


Hand basins for men

Toilets for women

Hand basins for women

Less than 500






More than 1000






More than 2000






More than 3000






More than 5000






Events where alcohol is available

Number of guests

Toilets for men


Hand basins for men

Toilets for women

Hand basins for women

Less than 500






More than 1000






More than 2000






More than 3000






More than 5000






For events with 500-1000 people, we determine the number of toilets required on a case-by-case basis.  

Duration of events

Shortening an event reduces the number of toilets you need.

Duration of event

Quantity required

8 hours or more


6–8 hours


4–6 hours


Less than 4 hours


Are you using sound equipment for your event? 

If yes, add sound equipment details to your event plan. Then go to Step 5.

Do you need to provide additional toilet facilities for your event? 

If yes, add toilet facility details to your event plan. Then go to Step 5.


If no, go to Step 5

Check what Council permits and other approvals your event needs

Your event plan should include any impacts your event may have on roads or parking areas and must include information on the activities it includes.

At least 2 months before the event.

Don't forget you can contact us for help with your application any time.


Fees for Council-issued permits vary depending on the event and who is holding it. 

We don't charge fees to registered charities and not-for-profits. The Australian Charities and Not-for-Profit Commission (ACNC) must register your organisation to qualify.

Getting permission for activities at your event

Use this information to check what permissions you need for different activities associated with your event.

Event activity

How to get permission

Close a Council-controlled road (laneway or side-street), footpath or carpark

Fees apply.

You may need a permit and a traffic management plan. 

To apply, you need:

  • documented proof of $20 million Public Liability insurance 
  • a site plan
  • a letter for businesses and/or residents affected by the event

Apply for a road and/or footpath occupancy permit now


Close a major or arterial road

Check if the road is arterial using VicRoads maps of declared roads.

If it is, you need permission from VicRoads to close it.

Learn more about events and apply for permission from VicRoads.


This includes raising funds, getting pledges or increasing public awareness for:

  • local, national or international community organisations
  • local churches
  • schools
  • not-for-profit clubs

You may need to apply for a permit to Occupy Council Land. 

To apply, you need:

  • proof of $20 million Public Liability insurance 
  • a site plan
  • a letter for businesses and/or residents affected by the event

Apply for a fundraising permit now


Fees apply

Film or take photographs for commercial purposes 

Fees apply

Perform promotional activities

Fees apply

You may need to apply for a permit to Occupy Council land. 

To apply, you will need:

  • proof of $20 million Public Liability insurance 
  • a site plan
  • a letter for businesses and/or residents affected by the event
  • the right fee for your activity

Apply for a busking permit now

Apply for a filming permit now

Apply for a promotional permit now

Hold an event in an enclosed space

Fees apply for:

  • Consent for Prescribed Temporary Structure
  • Occupancy Permit for a Minor POPE

You may need to apply for an Occupancy Permit for a Place of Public Entertainment (POPE) if your event is: 

  • open to the public (not by invitation)
  • on a site larger than 500 sqm that is in any way enclosed.

Community organisations don't need a POPE if:

  • it is a ticketed event
  • there are fewer than 5,000 people attending at any one time.

Apply for Siting of Prescribed Temporary Structure and/or Occupancy Permit for a POPE now

Notify Public Transport Victoria (PTV)

If you are planning to have more than 5,000 people at your event, you'll need to contact Public Transport Victoria.

Learn more about events and their impacts on public transport from PTV.

Will the event impact roads, footpaths or car parks?

  • If yes, describe these impacts in your event plan and provide evidence that you have applied for the necessary permit. Then go to Step 6.
  • If no, go to Step 6.

Check if the event complies with food and alcohol regulations

At least 2 months before the event.

Your event plan should indicate whether there will be food, beverages or alcohol at the event, and confirm you and your traders have applied for the appropriate permits and licenses.

You don't need permission to serve food or drinks to your guests for free. 

But traders who sell food or drinks at the event must register with their Council (except Class 4 traders, who must notify their Council).

Cupcakes on sale

Permits and registrations for food traders

As the event organiser, you need to:

  • make sure that all temporary and mobile food traders are registered with their Council using Streatrader the state government’s online system
  • obtain and keep copies of all your traders’ registration certificates (except Class 4 traders)
  • inform traders of all classes that at least 10 days before your event, they must lodge a Statement of Trade via Streatrader citing the date and Boroondara location where they will be trading
  • check whether food outlets will be located in a car park or street
    If they are, apply for a Permit to Occupy Council-Controlled land
  • check whether any of your traders will be selling alcohol
    If they are, they need to obtain Temporary Limited Licence (TLL) from the Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation 
    Processing a TLL can take at least 8 weeks.

Smoking and tobacco

As per the Tobacco Act 1987, smoking is banned in all outdoor eating areas. Various additional controls apply to public events, based on the number of food vendors onsite.

View Department of Health tobacco resources and fact sheets.

Food vans

Some vehicles pose a risk to grass, watering systems and surfaces and may not be permitted in our parks.

If there will be food vans at your event, include the details in your Event Plan, so that the Event Officer can advise on whether they are allowed at the venue.

To prevent noise pollution in residential areas, it’s important that the person in charge of the vehicle adheres to EPA regulations for mobile vendors.You can find these in the EPA Victoria Noise Control Guidelines.

Alcohol and visitor behaviour

To reduce disorderly behaviour at events where alcohol is sold or served, we recommend:

  • arranging for accredited security officers to be on site, near where people are drinking
  • organising to provide water, free of charge.

Find out more

Contact us with any questions about food and alcohol at your event.

Will there be food, beverages or alcohol at the event?

Plan for responsible waste management

At least 2 months before the event.

Please note: From 1 February 2023, the Victorian Government is banning single-use plastics for sale or supply throughout Victoria. Single-use plastic straws will remain available for people who need them due to a disability or for medical reasons.

You can find more information about the ban on our Plastic free businesses page.

In the event plan, provide a Waste Management Plan that describes how you will manage rubbish and recycling at your event.

The Waste Management Plan should include:

  • plans for reducing litter on and adjacent to the site (including communications before and announcements during the event)
  • plans for delivering and collecting additional wheelie bins and skips for both landfill and recycling, and contractor details
  • the numbers and site locations of both landfill and recycling bins
  • plans for signage and bin labelling
  • the communications, direction, and support provided to stallholders and food vendors about banned single-use plastics, and the use and disposal/recycling of plastic bags and cups, as well as the encouragement of the investigation and use of alternatives
  • details of team members allocated to cleaning the site after the event – removing all litter and cleaning up any spills or breakages
  • the person with overall responsibility for waste management and cleanup
  • event day contact details for people responsible.

How much waste will my event generate?

Expect to generate one litre of waste per person per meal.

This varies with the type of event. Food and wine events may generate more waste per person than other events.

For example:

1,000 people = 1,000 litres of estimated waste
Divide 1,000 by 240 litres (per wheelie bin)
Hire 4 wheelie bins (2 recycling and 2 landfill) … plus one more to be sure.

If you expect more than 100 guests and are serving food or alcohol, you will probably need to hire additional wheelie bins for landfill and recycling.

Food and beverages outdoors

Serving food or beverages increases the amount of waste to manage.

Sustainability principles for greener events

All events generate some waste. However, there are many ways to run a 'zero waste event', including the options below.

  • Provide or asking attendees to bring their own reusable plates, cups, napkins, and cutlery.
  • Provide jugs of water/drinks or supply a drinking fountain with reusable cups.
  • Avoid single-use plastics, such as plastic condiments, water bottles, plastic bags, coffee tubes and balloons, as well as the banned single-use plastics including plastic straws, plates, cutlery, and drink stirrers, and cotton bud sticks, and polystyrene containers.
  • Set up a station with clear signage to collect all organic waste to go to compost or into your green waste bin.
  • Have recycling bins with very clear signage.
  • Use 100% recycled plastic bin bags.

By planning ahead and incorporating waste management initiatives into your event, you will be helping to protect our environment and waterways from littering.

Attach your Waste Management Plan to your event plan. Then go to the next step.

Prepare a letter for nearby residents and businesses

At least 2 months before the event.

In your event plan, include a copy of the written notice you will send to nearby residents and businesses notifying them of your upcoming event.

A copy of this notice is required if your event needs a Permit to Occupy Council Land or a Road and/or Footpath Occupancy Permit. (See step 5 of this guide to learn more about these permits.)

The letter should contain the following details:

  • name of the event organisers
  • name, date and location of the event
  • purpose of the event
  • number of audience/participants expected
  • details of any disruptions to residents and businesses
  • details of any road closures, changed traffic conditions or changes to public transport services (if applicable)
  • a contact name and number for further information or queries
  • the date you will distribute the letter and how many you will send.

We will review the letter as part of your request.

Do you need to send an event notification letter as part of your event? 

  • If yes, create a draft letter for nearby residents and businesses and add it to your event plan. Then go to Step 9.
  • If no, go to Step 9.

Prepare a Risk Assessment and Emergency Management Plan, if requested

At least 2 months before the event.

After you submit your booking request, the Events Officer may ask you to provide a Risk Assessment Management Plan and an Emergency Management and Evacuation Plan.

It is the responsibility of the event organiser to provide a safe environment for volunteers, contractors, staff and the public.

Risk Assessment Management Plan

Your Risk Assessment Plan should detail: 

  • all the hazards that could occur at your event (including environmental, physical, chemical or organisational hazards).
  • how you will manage these hazards 
  • how you will communicate with all of your stakeholders and patrons 
  • procedures surrounding an event cancellation procedure.


Emergency assembly point signage

Emergency Management and Evacuation Plan

An Emergency Management and Evacuation Plan should identify:

  • the event's Emergency Coordination Centre and contact phone numbers
  • the nearest Emergency Response Providers, with a list of contact details
  • the Emergency Management Team members’ roles and responsibilities and contact numbers
  • the number of first aid service providers, their location on site and communications protocols
  • the number of staff or volunteers on the site
  • protocols for communicating, managing and actively directing the response to any fire, medical, security and safety-related incidents
  • evacuation protocols and people responsible, including arrangements for helping the elderly, children, and people with a disability
  • locations of emergency vehicle access points
  • emergency exits
  • size and timing of any scheduled and approved fireworks display.

You’ll find further advice in Worksafe's 'Advice for managing major events safely' guidelines.

Crowded places assessment  

It is a requirement that all large events review their risk and event management in line with the Federal Government’s document Australia’s Strategy for Protecting Crowded Places from Terrorism

The Federal Government also provides a Crowded Places Self-assessment Tool for event organisers to complete.

Have you been asked to provide Risk Assessment and Emergency Management Plans?

  • If yes, prepare the Risk Assessment Plan and Emergency Management Plan. Then go to Step 10.
  • If no, go to Step 10

Take out public liability insurance, if required

At least 2 months before the event.

After you submit your booking request, we may instruct you to take out public liability insurance cover for the event period.

We require proof of public liability insurance if you are hiring any infrastructure for your event 

If you are hiring a third-party business for things like children’s entertainment or food sales, we also need copies of their public liability insurance.

If so, you'll need to notify the insurer of the event date and declare the City of Boroondara as an interested party.

The insurer should issue you with a certificate of currency showing a minimum of $20 million coverage.

Do you need to take out public liability insurance for your event?

  • If yes, obtain the insurance. Keep a copy of the certificate of currency to send to the Events Officer. Then go to Step 11.
  • If no, go to Step 11.

Get permission for fireworks or pyrotechnics, if required

At least 2 months before the event.

If you are setting off fireworks for your event you will need to provide us with: 

  • a copy of your operator’s licence 
  • the notification to discharge fireworks that was lodged with Worksafe 
  • a copy of the operator's Public Liability insurance certificate of currency. 

Setting off fireworks is illegal in Victoria unless the operator holds a Licence to Use Fireworks as a Pyrotechnician. These licenses are issued by WorkSafe. 

For more information, see guidance on using fireworks from WorkSafe, or call 1800 136 089.

If permission is granted by us, a fee will be charged.

Will your event include fireworks?

  • If yes, ensure your operator has permissions from Worksafe and send us the relevant documentation. Then go to Step 12.
  • If no, go to the next Step 12.

Prepare a site plan, if requested

At least 2 months before the event.

After you submit your booking request, we may ask for a site plan.

A site plan is a detailed drawing or image of an event site with the locations of all important facilities clearly marked.

The site plan may include:

  • accessible paths, car parks and toilets, amusement rides and inflatables
  • drinking water locations, emergency vehicle entry points and access routes
  • entrances and exits, site office and/or operations centre, fire extinguishers and first aid posts
  • food vendors and stalls, marquees and parking
  • generators or power boxes
  • an information point and a site for lost children or lost property
  • stages

Help preparing a site plan

Contact us for more information or help preparing your site plan. 

Have you been asked to prepare a site plan?

  • If yes, apply for the permits you need and prepare the site plan. Then go to Step 13.
  • If no, go to Step 13.

Send your initial and then final event documentation to Council

When should I do this?
Submit initial documents at least 2 months before the event.
Submit copies of permits and final documents at least 2 weeks before the event.

Submit initial event documents

At least 2 months before your event, send the documentation you've gathered to your Council contact.

In the email message, list any permits or approvals you have applied for that are still pending.

We'll review and advise of:

  • any information you still need to provide
  • any permits or approvals you still need for your event.

Submit final event documents, including copies of permits and permissions

At least 2 weeks before the event, email your final event documentation to your Council contact.

Include any additional information we've asked you to provide, as well as copies of any permits, certificates or licenses you need for your event.

Council approval

We will review your event documents and, as long as there are no items outstanding, approve your request to hold the event.

Booking fee and bonds

If you're booking one of our venues, you'll receive an invoice for the venue booking fee when your event is approved.

  • If the event poses a risk of damage to the venue, Council may also request an event bond.
  • If you require vehicle access to the venue, Council will charge a key bond.

View fees for open space hire.

When Council invoices you for venue hire, you may also be asked to pay a bond.

Type of bond

Bond amount

When is this refunded?

Event bond

Requested when aspects of the event pose a risk of damage to the park.

Minimum $200 up to the amount, as per risk calculated

The bond is refunded in full 4 weeks after the event if the site is left in the same condition it was prior to the event.

Key bond

Required if you are provided with a key for access to the venue.


The bond is refunded when the key is returned

Submit your initial, and then final documentation and pay the invoice. Then go to the next step.

Event day, venue inspection and bond refund 

When do these activities occur?
In the event lead-up, on the day and 4 weeks afterward.

Event lead-up

In the 2 weeks leading up to the event, remember to deliver copies of your approved notification to nearby residents and businesses, giving them the opportunity to attend, or avoid, the event.

Day of the event

On the day of the event, ensure that staff members and volunteers:

  • manage waste responsibly
  • know what to do in case of an emergency
  • comply with food and beverage responsibilities
  • adhere to any conditions set out in permits related to the event.
Guests enjoying music at a local park

Post-event venue inspection and bond refund

After the event ends, Council will inspect the event area to ensure the park, garden or sportsground is left in the same way it was prior to the event.

  • If the site is clean and undamaged, your event bond will be refunded.
  • Where there is waste or damage, we may need to retain funds to cover cleanup or repairs.

If you paid a key bond, this is refunded when you return the key.

We wish you a successful event.

You can exit the guide

Clean park

If the venue is clean and undamaged, we will return the full value of your bond.