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‘From Nature’ – online exhibition

'From Nature' is a community exhibition examining the world around us through materiality and process. Each artist borrows from the natural environment to create their work, either from organic materials collected locally or by allowing their work to be influenced by natural forces.

Michael Adeney combines his experience as an artist, composer, scientist, and psychologist to create works that are formed from and respond to nature. Through drawings, prints, and sound compositions, Adeney's artwork immerses the viewer while delving into themes of impact, connection, and regeneration.

Ravit Tidhar is a mosaic artist working with natural and manufactured materials, including tree bark, tiles, stones, glass, and plastic. Exploring the inherent beauty of the everyday, Tidhar highlights the balance and tension between people and their environment.

Shifting between abstract and figurative imagery, Adeney and Tidhar's creative practice reflects an appreciation of our natural world and its power.

Many of the artworks in this exhibition are for sale. You can purchase an artwork on the Boroondara Arts shop website.

'From Nature' was a free exhibition held at the Town Hall Gallery from 7 June to 15 July 2023.

Image credit: Banner image: Ravit Tidhar, ‘Exploration 2:3’, 2022, bark and plastic on wood substrate, 32 x 32 x 5cm, image courtesy of the artist.

Michael Adeney

Ravit Tidhar

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